BSM you don't want to leave him on tour

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Luke:(age:12): you were right now with daisy and phoebe Tomlinson at the X factor live shows you loved it then after they were done they took you to your brothers show this was your last time seeing his show for a while you sighed not wanting to leave him and the boys. You were watching the show during ghost of you you started crying cause you didn't want the show to almost be over sadly it came to a end you started panicking Luke and the boys came back and showered and then Luke came over to you and said "hey what's wrong?" You said "I'm not going on the plane without you boys." He hugged you and said "baby you'll see us again soon." You shook your head and said "no I want to stay with you guys I know I can't but I need you guys." He sighed and just held you then he brought you to the car with the others and took you to the airport you didn't let go not wanting to let go he said "baby look at me." You did and he got to your level and said "we'll be back before you know it ok we'll call you every night alright?" You nodded he hugged you and then you hugged the others you slowly walked away from them dreading this moment all day.

Calum:(age:13): you were backstage just watching them as they performed when it came near to the end you started crying not wanting to leave all of this they ended the show and you ran into the bathroom and just cried someone knocked at the door and you ran into their arms knowing it was Calum he caught you he said "you're ok what happened?" You said "I don't want to leave all of this." He sighed and said "I know but you can't miss anymore school we'll talk to you every day ok?" You nodded and said "I don't want to leave you not now or never can't you homeschool me."He said "I know baby I know I wish but you know I can't." You sighed Then you you him and the boys drove to the airport you didn't let go of any of them until you had to you gave them one last hug and then you were back to reality.

Ashton:(age:14): you were refusing to get into the car after the show Ashton said "babe you gotta get in to car your going to miss your flight." You said "that's my plan." He sighed and said "I know you don't want to leave me but you have shit to do at home I wish you could stay longer but sadly you can't." You just bursted out into tears he hugged you and you said "I don't want to leave you." He said "I know we'll call you every night ok." You nodded and then they took you to the airport you made it just in time you gave them all one last hug and then walked to the plane dreading this moment for the longest time.

Michael:(age:15): you were at the airport not saying anything to any of them cause they made you come here even know you didn't want too even know you knew you had to go back home for school your plane was called you hugged Michael not letting him go he said "babe we'll call you every night ok." You nodded and said "I still don't want to leave you guys." He said "I know." Then you hugged the others and then headed to your plane you looked at them and couldn't help but burst into tears and run back to them Michael caught you and said "you're going to be ok we love you so much." You said "I love you too I don't want to leave you." He said "I know." Then he let go and you finally got on to your plane.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now