Imagine your parents get a divorce

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Luke: you didn't say anything when your parents broke the news to you that they were getting a divorce you couldn't process it so you took your dog and headed to Luke's house you got there he was there with the boys you walked in with your dog and didn't say anything crystal was there too and said "what's up?" You shrugged your shoulders Luke said "babe somethings wrong what happened?" You didn't say anything you looked at Ashton the look that he knew to well that you wanted to talk to him and just him. He said "come with me." You got up and went with him you guys went for a walk to Starbucks leaving the others confused Ashton said "want to talk about it?" You said "not really but how did you get through your parents divorce?" He said "oh love I'm so sorry is there anything I can do?" You said "I don't know I just feel so empty and broken like why did they have to do this to me." That's when you broke he hugged you as you guys walked back to Luke's house he said "love it was their choice it wasn't your fault don't blame yourself." You said "you know me to well." He said "yes I do." Then you guys headed inside and Luke saw the state that your in and came over to you and hugged you he said "want to tell me why you're in this state?" You shook your head he looked at Ashton he said "her parents got a divorce." Luke said "awe babe we'll help you through this I know how tough this is for you." You nodded and then just cuddled with Luke.

Calum: you were at school when you got back from school your parents were there you said "I didn't do anything." They said "we know come sit." You sat scared out of your mind right now then your mother said that her and your father are getting a divorce you just stood up and left and drove to Calum's house you walked in and the boys and girls were there Sierra said "somethings up with you because you came in here quiet without saying hi to us." You didn't say anything you just looked at Ashton he knew that meant you wanted to talk then you guys headed upstairs and Ashton asked "what's with the silent treatment?" You said "my parents are getting a divorce." That's when you broke he hugged you tightly and said "I'm so sorry it's not your fault." You said "are you sure cause I'm never home I'm always with you guys." He said "I'm sure it's not you it was their choice it's not because you're never there they love you but they just don't love eachother anymore." You just let it all out you didn't want the others to see you like this so you and ash just stayed up there until you calmed down then you walked down with Ashton and they could tell you've been crying you looked at Ashton and he said "you want me to tell them?" You nodded and then walked over to Calum he hugged you ash said "her parents got a divorce that's why she is acting the way she is." Calum hugged you tighter and said "we'll help you through this your not going through this alone." You nodded and just cuddled with Calum for the rest of the day.

Ashton: your parents told you before you left for school you didn't believe it or didn't want too believe it but sadly it was true your parents got a divorce you got home from school and saw your dad packing his things you just put your bag down and left your mom was about to follow but just let you go because she knew how hard this was going to be for you. You drove all the way to Ashton's house and walked in the boys and girls were there crystal said "I'm so sorry." She's the only one you told and Sierra of course they both hugged you as you cried the boys looked at eachother and then the girls they said "want us to tell them?" You nodded not breaking from the hug Sierra said "her parents got a divorce and her father is moving out." Ashton came over to you and took you from the middle of the two of them and you just cried he said "I'm so sorry I know how hard this is for you you'll make it through it with the help from us." You nodded and then just chilled the rest of the day with him and the boys and girls.

Michael: your parents were fighting again you walked downstairs and said "when will this stop?" Your mother said "now cause I'm leaving come on yn your coming with me." You said "are you guys really getting a divorce?" Your father said "yes we are I'm not putting up with her anymore." You said "then I'm living with Michael cause I'm not picking someone to live with I guess I come from a broken home now." Then you left and headed to Michael's house you got there and the boys and Serria were there she said "they didn't." You said "yeah my wrose nightmare came true but I called it didn't I." Michael and the boys were so confused you said "my parents got a divorce." They then all gave you a group hug as you just cried they said "we'll be here for you through this all." You nodded happy to have people like them in your life.

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