Imagine your friends ditch you

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Luke: you were at a club with your girls then they found some guys to dance with while you were getting drinks but you didn't realize that they did until you came back with the drinks they asked for and saw they were missing you put the drinks down and drink yours a guy came over to you and said "hey pretty lady are you here alone?" You were about to say something when you heard a fimilar voice say "no she's not go hit on someone who cares." You turned around and saw luke you said "Luke what are you doing here?" He said "I'm here with the boys and girls I thought you were with friends." You said "I was but they ditched me I don't know where they went." He said "stick with us I'm not allowing anymore guys to hit on you." He took you over to the girls and boys the girls said "you got us you don't need those friends." You said "you're right." Then you saw your friends dancing with random guys you laughed and then just enjoyed the rest of the night with Luke and the boys they were better then them anyways and the girls of course.

Ashton:you were at a party watching the band since it was one direction on and you loved them your friends did too you guys were dancing and having a blast then 5sos came on you smiled your friends rolled their eyes they were jelous that you were dating Ashton so they didn't like them then your friends just left you without telling you you were to focus on the boys but notice Ashton facial expression someone came up to you it was crystal and Sierra you said "did my friends just ditch me?" They said "yeah they left you and ash isn't happy about it." You sighed and said "neither I'm I like they can be jelous but they can't treat me like shit." Crystal gave you a side hug and said "you don't need them you got us." You smiled happy to have them in your life ash came off with the boys when they were done and hugged you and said "you got us don't worry." You said "you guys are better then them anyways." He smiled happy that you found them.

Michael:you and your friends were at the mall then you saw Sierra and she asked to join you guys your friends said yeah sure just to make you happy cause they knew you were friends with her they didn't like her cause you and her were so close then you guys shopped for the rest of the day you guys walked into a store and your friends just left you and Sierra you shrugged not really bothered by it cause you still had Sierra then the boys appeared out of no where but you were fine with that Michael ask "did your friends ditch you?" You said "yeah cause I'm with Sierra they don't like her cause we're close." Michael said "what friends they are." You said "I know right." Then you guys continued to shop you were happy to have them in your life they were so much better then your friends.

Calum: you were at a harry styles concert front row then you saw Sierra and crystal who were right next to you and your friends your friends rolled their eyes they didn't like them cause you guys were so close and they say they took you away from them which isn't true at all you guys were enjoying the concert and didn't even notice your friends left until harry said "wow what friends you are you're just leaving her like she's left overs she's done nothing to you so I don't get why you guys are ditching her." You looked at your friends and Your friends stopped once they notice that he was talk to them and they got excited and said they didn't like the people you were with he said "well ok then you can leave cause she doesn't need people like you in her life." Then they left you smiled at harry he smiled back you thanked him he nodded then once the show was over you guys headed backstage and saw the other boys and Calum said "thanks mate for sticking up for her." He said "no prob she didn't deserve that." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the night you had the bestest friends right here right in front of you you just need them and no one else.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now