Imagine you run away after a fight and another boy finds you

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Luke:(Bestfriend): it was a stupid fight you were fighting with him cause he didn't want you going out with a guy who he didn't trust but you trusted him you were ready to leave luke said "if you go with that boy this friendship is over." You opened the door and said "all because I went out with a stupid boy Luke we've been friends for 20 years don't you think your over reacting a tiny bit?" He said "no the boys agree with me yn we don't trust this guy he's bad news." You chuckled and rolled your eyes and said "didn't know you guys ran my life and decisions last time I checked I make good decisions." He said "well this time you're not making a good one if he hurts you I won't be here to fix it this time." You said "this is so stupid I'm leaving." You then left you didn't know where you were going but you knew you wanted to be as far away from Luke at that moment as you could you ended up at a park you sat there until the sun went down ignoring everything on your phone as it was blowing up you just sat there crying cause little did Luke know he hurt you with his words someone then hugged you you knew their scent right away it was Ashton you leaned into him he held you until you were done he sat down on the grass with you and said "Luke is worried sick about you and he feels awful for saying all of that he didn't mean it it was in the heat of the moment he was upset that you don't see this guy like we do he's not good yn he's protecting you we're protecting you please trust us this once." You said "he probably doesn't want to see me anymore since I ditched him tonight but I'll trust you guys more than anything I'm sorry for running away." He said "it's alright let's get you home and it's his loss." He walked you back to yours and Luke's house he was there with Sierra she left and same with Ashton to the other room and same with the other boys you stood there he got up and hugged you tightly and said "I'm so sorry I was just trying to protect you that's all I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way I didn't mean to and you know that." You couldn't help but Hug him back and say "I'm sorry to for not trusting you I love you and I trust you now ash talked some sense into me." He smiled then you guys hungout the rest of the night happy you guys made up.

Ashton:(best friend): your friend wanted to run away cause her parents weren't the best she wanted you to come with her and you did without thinking at all you didn't know how this would affect the people around you your parents would never know because you live with Ashton and he wasn't home at the moment he was at tour rehearsal which you hated thinking about cause that meant he was leaving you again so you decided to go with her to get your mind off of it you and her were walking around town you guys were waiting for a bus when someone said "yn what are you doing?" It was Calum you couldn't tell him what you were doing knowing he would tell ash so you lied to him which you never did before you said "I'm going to the mall with yfn." Your friend was surprised that you lied to him of all people. But he saw right through he said "why are you running away?" Your friend said "because of my parents their horrible to me." He looked at you you said "cause ash and you and the others are leaving me again and I don't want to suffer through that again." That's when you broke he sighed and hugged you tightly and said "ash has something to tell you so let's go home yeah." You nodded he said to your friend "you get home before your sister gets treated the same way you don't want that to happen to her." She went home and so did you guys you walked in and ash saw you and ran over to you and hugged you tightly he said "you had me so worried where were you?" You said "at the bus station me and yfn were going to run away but cal stopped us I don't want you guys leaving me again." You cried again he said "we're not." You looked at him confused and said "what do you mean by that?" He said "you're coming with us." You gasped and screamed and hugged him you were so happy that you didn't have to leave them and you could be with them.

Michael:(best friend): you got into a fight with crystal cause she wouldn't let you go on a date with a guy you didn't know you knew she was protecting you but you were just so mad at her cause she made you miss your first ever date you walked out of the house fuming going any where but there you ended up at a coffee shop at the end of town you stayed there for hours until Sierra came up to you and sat down across from you with luke not that far behind you said "I'm not going back." Sierra said "she was protecting you from danger the guy you were going to meet today I went instead and he wanted me to go back to his house and he wanted to you know I said no he wasn't taking no for a answer so I knocked him out and left he's a rapist that's why she didn't want you going she didn't want you getting hurt and she didn't tell you this cause she didn't want to scare you." You said "she saved my life and so did you are you ok?" She said "yeah and yeah I'm fine now let's get you home so she and Mikey can stop pasting." You guys walked in and Mikey came running over to you and said "thank gosh you're ok." You hugged him back and then pulled away and hugged crystal and said "thank you Sierra told me and I can't thank you enough I'm sorry for getting mad at you." She said "it's ok I understand I love you." You said "I love you too." Then you guys just chilled for the rest of the night.

Calum: you were in a big fight with Calum cause he wouldn't let you go out with a friend that was a guy he didn't trust this guy but you did you left not wanting to deal with it anymore you just kept walking to who knows where you ended up in a park and just sat on the swing. Then someone who you knew to well name Michael which was Michael came over you said "I'm not going back." Michael said "listen you're the first girl that he's ever been in a relationship with for this long he doesn't want to lose you that's why he didn't want you going out with your guy friend he's afraid that's all and he was afraid to tell you that that's why he didn't tell you." You said "I would never hurt him." He said "let's go back and you tell him that ok." You nodded you got back and walked in and saw Calum he hugged and said "I'm so sorry I was just scared that's all." You said "I'm too I just want you to know I'll never leave you or hurt you ever I'm different from the other girls you've went out with I'll never leave you I love you." That was the first time you said that word he was shocked but said "I love you too and I'm nothing like your ex so you have nothing to worry about." Then you both leaned in and had your first kiss you smiled into it happy to have a guy like him in your life and same with the boys.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now