BSM: you hear easier for the first time

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Luke:(age:12): you and your friends were having a sleepover you guys woke up at 8:00 the next morning knowing easier was out you guys turned on the tv and put YouTube on and typed in easier. You guys were blowed away when it was over you guys screamed and ran down stairs the boys where there you said "what the hell guys you guys could have warned me how dam good it was like what." Sierra and crystal laughed and so did kay kay the girls said "they loved it." Luke said "oh I knew they would." You smiled and said "so proud of you guys." Then you guys hungout with them until they had to go to a interview.

Ashton:(age:13): you woke up and put it on right away you watched it and screamed at the end and ran down stairs and said to the boys "I hate you guys but I love you guys." They laughed and said "you saw the music video?" You said "hell ya it's amazing I loved it so proud of you guys." They smiled happy you loved the song and music video you chilled with them until they had to go to their interviews.

Calum:(age:14): you and your best guy friend we're hangout when the song came out you played it and the both of you were speechless you loved it you ran into the house and said "boys I love the new song you guys did amazing." They said "we knew you would." Then you guys hungout until they had to go to a interview that they had.

Michael:(age:15): you were listening to the song when the boys walked in you said "I love it this is like the 50th time I've listen to it." They looked at crystal Sierra and kay kay they said "she ain't lying it's been playing all day she loves it as much as we do." They we're happy that you loved it.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now