Imagine a fan slaps you

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Luke: you were at a club With crystal you guys were having fun when a girl was eyeing you all night you didn't like it at all cause you knew she was about to do something and that happened when she started walking over she walked over to you and slapped you hard across the face causing you to fall to the ground she said "that's what you get for getting the man of my dreams you better not hurt him or I'll hurt you more." Crystal said "bitch leave that was so not called for the boys will Hear about this and will want you out of their life." She laughed and said "they won't give 2 shits what I did to her and they won't believe what you say and they won't care what you Of all people have to say." Crystal was shocked she got close to her and said "they will and your lucky they aren't here but their on their way to pick us up so if you want to stick around you can and they will listen to me and care about what I have to say."

Then the girl left then you guys headed outside with you still holding your check you prayed that Luke didn't see your cheek you guys got into the car you were still holding your cheek Luke said "babe what happened?" Looked at you through the mirror since he was the one driving You said "nothing really." Crystal said "really you call that nothing." You said "yeah crystal it's nothing." You gave her a look She sighed and said "they're suppose to protect you that's why you tell them when these things happen." You rolled your eyes at her and said "Crystal I don't want to start shit." Luke said "well if someone hurt you they already started shit now please tell me what the fuck happened." You moved your hand from your cheek and it was really red and left a mark you said "a fan slapped me because she's jelous of me." Luke's grip tighten on the stree wheel and said "if I ever see this girl she's not allowed near us again don't worry I won't let anyone do this to you ever again." You nodded then you guys arrived home and he got you ice for your face and you cuddled with him for the rest of the night.

Calum: you were out with mali crystal and Sierra you guys were shopping then this girl that you knew to well cause she went to your school and hated you for getting Calum came up to you and sung her hand so far back and then it impacted with your face you fell holding your cheek mali said "what the actual hell was that for?!?!?" Getting to your level to help you She said "that was for taking the guy I wanted for the second time and this is for taking my king away from me." She slapped you again when you were on the floor crystal said "get the hell out of here or wait stay since the boys are walking over now." She whipped her head in their direction and smiled she said to you "get up your fine I didn't slap you that hard your fine." Sierra raised a eyebrow at her and said "they'll see the marks on her cheek so they'll know it was you cause they know you hate her plus you're already in trouble you can't cover this up now cause they know it wasn't any of us that did it." She rolled her eyes and said "yeah sure whatever shut up they are coming closer act like nothing happened." You had tears welling up in your eyes cause your cheeks hurt so bad you said "how can I act like nothing happened while my cheeks are sting because of you."She said "you're fine stop your crying act so the boys can give you sympathy Stop being a baby." Crystal said "what the hell is your problem!!!"The boys where over by you guys when she said that to her the girl said "nothing I was just saying how lovely it was meeting you girls and I was just about to leave." Calum said "what the hell did you do to my girl?!?!"You walked over to him and just sobbed into his chest he hugged you tightly and kissed your head the girl said "nothing she's on her period so of course she's going to be emotional duh." Luke said "we aren't stupid she's not on her period we know when she's on that she tells us now we're asking you nicely what did you do to her?" She said "um she ran into a wall?" Michael said "bullshit tell us what happened now!!!" She said while looking at her feet "I slapped her twice cause I don't like her and I'm jealous." Calum said "leave and never show up at any of our shows again and don't even think about coming near us ever again." She left and then he brought you to the car the others followed you said "thank you for that." He said "no one hurts my baby." He kissed your head and then you guys drove home he got you Ice and then you cuddled with him for the rest of the day.

Ashton: you were at a festival with him Sierra and Calum you guys were having a blast when and girl slapped you across the face but you could tell it was a accident cause she gasped and said "oh my gosh I'm so sorry I can't believe that just happened I just fucking slapped Ashton Irwin's girlfriend but it was a accident I'm so sorry ash and I'm so sorry yn I didn't mean too."You said "it's fine accidents happen you're fine." Then the show ended you guys headed home Ashton got ice for your cheek then you cuddled with him and ended up fall asleep on him.

Michael: you were walking to class when this girl out of no where slapped you and said "you're such a slut." Then left you on the floor you got up and ran out of the school deciding not to go to class today you ran to Michael's place where the boys and girls where Sierra said "what happened yn." She hugged you and sat with you and you just cried and said "this girl slapped me and called me a slut." She gasped and then hugged you tightly and said "I'm sorry that happened to you." Then she walked with you to the boys and you ran to Michael he said "hey what's wrong why aren't you in school?" You said "cause this girl slapped me and called me a slut." Michael tensed and then hugged you as Ashton got ice for your cheek you just cuddled with Michael for the rest of the day.

5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMENTS AND IMAGINES part 2❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now