A date with Angel

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Can you do a one shot of Angel taking you out on a date but you get stuck in a rainstorm on the way home so you pull over and take shelter until it passes?


As you sat across from Angel you can't help but smile, a full blown, split your face in half smile.

"What's got you so happy?" he asks you a soft smile on his face

"I was just thinking about this really cute and funny guy that asked me about on a date" you say

"You think I'm cute?" he says smiling wider

"Who said I was talking about you?" you say giggling

"Ouch" Angel says pretending to clutch his chest in pain

You both start laughing, the waiter interrupts you "I'm so sorry but we are closed now" he says putting the bill on the table

You scan your eyes around the restaurant, realising you two are the only two people left "I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise" you apologise reaching for the bill. Angel quickly snatches out of your hand

"What do you think you're doing? I'm paying" he pulls out a stack of bills putting them into the bill and handing them it to the waiter.

"You ready to go?" Angel asks you, offering you his arm as he stands up.

"Thank you" you say taking him arm, you thank the waiter again as you walk out and the door is locked behind you

"Where are you parked?" Angel asks you

"The SVU over there" you say pointing to your car

Angel walks you to your car, you lean up against the door facing Angel

"I had a really wonderful night tonight" you say softly

"Me too, we should do this again" he replies closing the space between you

"Yeah, we should" you say looking up at him, just as he was leaning in for a kiss your phone rings, you groan reaching into your clutch for your phone, seeing that it was your sister you ignored the call. 

"Well, goodnight Angel" you quickly kiss him on the cheek before you lose your nerve.

"Goodnight Y/N" he says

Angel watches you get into your car, but your car won't start

"Shit" you open the door "Angel, is there any chance you can give me a jump start? I think my battery is flat" you ask

"I can't give you a jump, but I can give you a lift home" he replies

"I have jumper leads in my car if that's why you can't give me a jump"

"That's not the issue, I don't have a car" he says

"Then how are you going to give me a lift?" you ask puzzled

Angel points to a motorcycle parked on the other side of the parking lot

"You're kidding me right? I'm not getting on that"

Angel looks hurt "I promise I will keep you safe" he replies

You take a deep breath "Angel, if I die, so help me God I will haunt your ass"

He places his hand over his heart "I swear I won't let anything happen to you"

You sigh jumping out of your car locking the door and heading over to Angels bike. He grabs a helmet off the handlebars putting it on your head and buckling it for you, tightening the strap.

"Okay where do you live?" he asks

You give him your address "Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah I do"

He climbs on his bike and you mimic his actions climbing on behind him

"Is this your first time on a bike?" he asks you

"Yeah it is" you reply a little bit afraid

"Well you're going to love it, hold on tight and scream really loud if you need me to stop"

You wrap your arms tightly around Angels torso, hanging on for dear life, the bike roars to life and you pull out of the parking lot.

Soon you are flying down the main road, you soon start to relax feeling less frightened, suddenly there is a huge crack of lighting, lighting up the whole sky and rain starts pouring down. One of those freak summer storms that come out of nowhere. You tighten your grip around Angels waist. Soon the rain is falling so hard you can't see anything in front of you and you are drenched.

Angel pulls the bike over and helps you off, he yells over the rain "There's a gazebo in the middle of the park, he can take shelter there" he grabs your hand and you make a run for it.

You reach the gazebo and you start laughing, Angel looks like a drowned rat, you imagine you don't look much better.

"What's so funny Y/N?"

"You look like a drowned rat" you say still laughing

"Oh really? Well you don't look much better" Angel replies taking a step towards you

he offers you his hand "Would you like to dance?" he asks you

You slide your hand into his "I would love too"

Angel pulls you into his chest and you start swaying back and forth, your head resting on Angel's chest.


"Mmmm?" you reply looking up at him

His hand comes up and cups your cheek "I lied" he says

You look puzzled "About?"

"You don't look like a drowned rat, you look absolutely gorgeous"

A blush starts to form across your cheeks, he slowly leans down and presses his lips to yours, kissing you softly, he slowly starts to tease your lips with his tongue. You slide your arms around Angel's neck pulling him closer to you, kissing him deeply. A shiver ripples down your spine, Angel breaks the kiss, slightly pulling away

"I don't think I've ever been so grateful for rain" he says smiling down at you

you just smile the same face breaking smile as earlier pulling him back towards you "Me neither" you reply kissing him again

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