Soulmates with Nestor

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Request: "Of course he's yours. Who else was there?" With Our man Nes please

A/N: Basically cause I am an idiot, I didn't understand this prompt until I put the emphasis in a different spot. Also, I don't think anyone is going to like this, but meh IDK.

"What am I going to do Emily?" I ask my hands cradling my head, I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I squeeze them shut.

"I don't know Nestor, you should really talk to him" Emily says crouching down in front of me, her dainty hands cupping mine.

"I can't, he's too far gone from me, he won't listen to me" I say wiping my eyes and looking at her.

"He loves you, he will listen" she tells me reassuringly.

"He may love me, but he's not with me, he's heart belongs to someone else" I mutter.

Laughing Emily strokes my cheek "Nes, for as long as I've known you two, Miguel's heart and soul belongs to you you, Who else was there? No one" she says.

"He belongs with you" I say holding her hand.

"No he doesn't, and I'm okay with that" she tells me standing up, kissing the top of my head she turns to leave the room "Talk to him, he will come around, that's the beautiful thing about soulmates, you forgive them" she tells me before leaving.

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