Deepest Secrets with Ez

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Request: ​ requested Hey! Is it possible to have something fluffy with either Coco or Ez. I chose Ez since I never write for him. Hope you enjoy.

Climbing onto the roof of the clubhouse I'm surprised to find out still warm even though it's well after midnight. Laying back and looking up at the stars the sound of the clubs party is drowned out this high up.

This has been my favourite place since we moved to Santo Padre five years ago when my father moved us here to set up the new M.C charter.

I've only been up here for a few moments before I hear the sound of someone else climbing up onto the roof stumbling across to where I was laying.

Ez slides down next to me "Jesus" he huffs "that's a hard climb" he says laughing the smell of whiskey and beer on his breath. Looking over at him I can see his cheeks are slightly flushed and there is a dopey smile on his face "How much did you have to drink tonight by the way?" I ask him

"oh you know just a couple of beers" he replies his voice slightly slurred.

Shaking my head I turn back up looking at the sky we lay there in silence for a few moments.

"Hey Vi? "he asks

"Mmmmm?" I respond

"tell me a story" he asks sleepily

"What kind of a story?" I ask him

"wait!" He exclaims "I have a better idea, tell me a secret"

Laughing I think it over, realising he probably won't remember this I reply playfully "I'll tell you a secret if you promise to tell me a secret"

"alright it's a deal" he says holding his hand out for me to shake

"alright. Well my secret it's something I'm pretty ashamed of" I tell him "so you have to promise not to tell anybody especially not Angel or my dad"

He sits up looking at me very seriously putting his hand over his heart and holding up his other hand "I swear I will never tell anybody your secret" he says

"alright here I go" taking a deep breath in and looking at him "so I have $200 in overdue library fines" I tell him letting my breathe out.

Ez just looks at me and burst out laughing "seriously that your big bad secret? that you have overdue library books?" sitting up a shove him

"shut up Ez" I reply laughing "unlike you I'm a bit of a goody two shoes alright"

"well thank you for sharing your secret with me" he replies grinning at me like an idiot.

"your turn" I say glaring at him "tell me your big bad secret"

"alright but you have to promise not to tell Angel or your dad" he says

"Scouts honour" I tell him

"Where you even a scout?" he asks raising his eyebrow at me

"yes I was a Girl Scout" I reply

"Of course you were" he said shaking his head laughing

"so when we were kids Angel had this action figure of GI Joe that I absolutely loved and I wanted my own except it was a special gift for Angel and my mum said I couldn't have one until Christmas and I'd have to ask Santa for it. So many weeks have passed and it was finally Christmas so I sat on Santa's lap and I asked him for the GI Joe doll that's all I wanted." He explains "turns out GI Joe must've been a popular gift that year because I did not get one. So I snuck into Angels room and stole his GI Joe." Ez looks away shame written across his face "problem was I couldn't play with it and I couldn't give it back to him without admitting I stole it so I threw it in the river."

"seriously that's your secret?" I say laughing

"yeah" he says nodding his head

"well aren't we just a bunch of troublemakers you and me" I say "maybe they should lock us up" the air instantly changes and an awkward silence comes between us.

"Oh shit i'm sorry Ez sometimes I forget" I ramble sheepishly

"Sometimes it's easy to forget other times not so much" he says shamefully.

Sliding over the roof to sit next to him I wrap him up in a hug my head resting on his shoulder.

"You know if I if your dad catches me up here he will kill me" Ez whispers into my ear

"Yeah well when my dad doesn't know won't kill him" I retort kissing Ez on the cheek.

Ez hand slides up cupping my face "this is a bad idea" he murmurs stroking my cheek.

"I love bad ideas" I reply leaning forward and kissing him. 

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