Easy Like Sunday Morning

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Request: Can you do an EZ morning after you're first time together?

Ez doesn't stop touching you all night, his arm is thrown over you or his leg intertwined with yours.

He wakes up first, just watching you sleep.

The moment you start to stir he's slowly kissing you, across your arms, up your neck, cheek, your nose before softly kissing your lips.

slow, lazy morning sex, his fingers exploring every inch of you. Kissing every scar, freckle and mole you have. He worships your body.

After this you move to the bathroom to clean up but get distracted by another round in the shower.

after you both finally clean up, Ez makes you breakfast. turkey bacon and eggs with fresh french press coffee.

His hands never leave you, he pulls you into his lap while eating breakfast, nibbling on your shoulder between bites.

Ez is desperate to spend the day with you but he has some club shit and you have to get to work.

You invite him over to yours, you offer to cook dinner.

the two of you fall into an easy routine, some mornings are slow and lazy, some are more hurried depending on what's going on with the club but Ez always makes an effort to at least have coffee with you. 

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