Dancing to disappointment with Nestor

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Nestors daughter has been talking about her dance performance all week and he promises that's he's be there but gets held up at work and misses it and when he comes home all his wife says to him is "you weren't there Ness"

A/N: THIS REQUEST BROKE MY HEART SO THANKS SO FRICKEN MUCH. Please enjoy this story with a side of my tears.

"I know dad promised he would be there but can you call him and remind him?" Nesrin begs nervously, fiddling in the chair underneath you.

"Hold still" you mutter with a mouthful of hair ties trying to wrangle your teenage daughter's hair into somewhat of a presentable bun.

"Done" you exclaim proudly a few minutes later "I promise will remind your dad about your performance, I even put a reminder in his and Tio's calendars so they don't get caught up" you tell her reassuring her.

A honking horn interrupts your train of thought, Nesrin sweeps you up into a big hug before bouncing out the door.

"Love you mom" she calls out over her shoulder.

Smiling you watch as your daughter races down the driveway, climbing into her carpool waving goodbye you turn back inside, preparing yourself for the rest of the day.

Later that night

"Come on, pick up" you mutter to yourself pacing the lobby, scanning the crowd for your husband, cursing when it goes to voicemail for the third time. Hitting redial you feel rage and disappointment welling up inside of you as you go to voicemail again.

Pulling Miguel's number up, you hit call and are surprised when his phone goes straight to voicemail, the bell chimes letting you know that intermission is over, sighing you check for your phone one last time before heading back to your seat.

Checking your programme, you see that Nesrin's dance troupes performance is next, and you try to calm the rage burning inside of you.

The moment that Nesrin steps foot on that stage all your focus is on her, she is absolutely majestic as she leaps across the stage so gracefully. Each move so controlled and full of emotion, bringing a tear to your eye. When the performance is over you jump to your feet and don't stop clapping until the curtain falls.

After the performance you make your way backstage with all the other proud parents, locating Nesrin's wild hair in the crowd.

"You were amazing baby girl" you tell her pulling her in closely.
"Thanks mama" she says embarrassed, glancing over your shoulder you don't miss the disappointment that filters across your daughters face.

"He's sorry baby--" you start but she cuts you off.

"It's okay, seriously, I'm fine" she says forcing a smile as she lets you go, turning and grabbing her bag she reaches for your hand.

"Can we go home? I am beat" she asks pulling you towards the stage door.

The car ride home is silent, Nesrin has her head rested against the car window, with her eyes closed,

"Ness" you start as you pull up in the driveway turning the car off.

"Really mom, its fine, he's job is important" she says opening the car door and climbing out.

You both walk inside and Ness heads up to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. You don't blame her, you felt like slamming a few doors yourself.

Sighing you lock up and head up to bed yourself.

3am arrives quicker than you would have liked and you're still wide awake, throwing the covers off you head downstairs pouring yourself a glass of scotch, you curl up in your favourite armchair with the bottle, sipping your glass slowly you savour the taste.

Lost in thought you don't hear the door open, the sound of Nestor's keys hitting the bowl pull you out of your thoughts.

"Hey" he says walking in leaning down to kiss you, turning your head you let his lips land on your cheek.

"Where were you tonight?" you ask quietly, pouring yourself another glass.

He silently mulls your question over, before it dawns on his, Nesrin's dance recital.

"I am so sorry" he pleads

"It's not me you have to apologise too Ness, you weren't there for her, she acts tough, but she's still daddy's little girl" you tell him draining your glass.

Placing the bottle of scotch and your glass on the side table, you stand up, and walk back upstairs leaving Nestor in your dark living room your words hanging heavy in the air.

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