Home life with Taza

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A/N: If I ever write anything where I reference Taza's Native American culture I am using an assumption because his tribal background or current beliefs haven't been stated on the show. I am using my own research and work within indigenous cultures as reference. IF I EVER WRITE ANYTHING THAT IS OFFENSIVE OR INCORRECT please tell me and I will remove it. My primary area of study was Indigenous Australians and units of Indigenous Americans and Canadians. 

If you've been around long enough you know I am obsessed with Taza having a ranch, no one can convince me otherwise.

Taza's ranch is his space, its warm, comfortable, homey. Open space as far as the eye can see.

As soon as he rides down the driveway all his worries melt away.

As soon as he parks his bike, he has a special place for his Kutte, knife and gun that he puts proudly away. He cleans up and always says a thank you blessing to the great spirits for bringing him home safely.

He loves coming home to find you curled up reading in his favourite chair, or cooking in the kitchen.

One of his favourite things to do is to cook with you, prepping all the ingredients for dinner and then helping you cook, sneaking kisses on your neck, shoulders and forehead.

During winter Taza always has mulled wine brewing, as soon as he gets home he prepares you both a large glass, makes sure the fire is well stocked for the night and the two of you curl up on the big worn leather couch talking about your day. Taza often will wrap you both up in beautiful woven blankets.

Heading off to bed in the early hours of the morning, you fall asleep wrapped up in each other. Your head resting on Taza's bare chest.

The early morning sun filtering in through your bedroom window wakes you both, which leads to slow, lazy morning sex.

A day off from the club means Taza is home to help you with the Ranch, he makes coffee while you get dressed and you prepare breakfast. homemade bread with grilled vegetables out of your veggie patch and eggs from your chickens.

After cleaning up you both head out to tend to the animals. On the ranch you two have ducks, chickens, horses and llamas.

The day passes quickly and before you know it the sun is setting, and you have to drag Taza inside. He loves nothing more than getting dirty at the Ranch.

You both fall exhausted into the shower, you washing Taza's hair and taking turns to wash the dirt off each other.

Taza cooks dinner while you sit on the kitchen counter, reading out loud from one of his favourite books.

after dinner, you curl up on the couch while Taza strums his guitar, his body leaning against your legs while he softly sings to you. 

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