Baby Fever

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Request: imma slide in here (hopefully on time) give me some coco or bishop love...he'll i'll even take taza or nestor. i just need some hot men to help me through my insomnia rn

A/N: Even if you were late, I'd let you slide in. You were on time though! Since you didn't give me a prompt, I am picking my own and I hope you like it.

Bringing your first together child home

Coco -

This is the first time Coco has done this, and he is freaking out.

He had missed all the other births of his kids and he was trying to make up for it.

He's trying to stay cool for you sake, but he's not doing a very good job.

He came to all the parenting classes and tried to read all the books (even though they were boring as fuck)

Letty was suppose to be his support person but you went into labour early and she was away with friends for the weekend.

Your birth was really easy so the Doctor's cleared you to pretty much go home straightway, which sent Coco into complete freakout mode.

He hadn't even held the baby yet, how was he suppose to take it home?

He wheeled you to the car so slowly, cursing the fact he didn't have a newer car or a safer car.

Your calming words were ignored.

Coco drove like a grandma home and then slowly ushered you both inside making you get into bed to rest.

He was so nervous, worrying he was going to do the wrong thing.

"Johnny, please just relax, you will do fine I promise, I'm right here" you soothe him.

you coax him into bed next to you to do skin to skin, as soon as your daughter is on his chest he melts, he is wrapped around her little finger and all his worries disappear.


Bishop is over-prepared.

Your house was baby proofed by the end of your first trimester.

By midway through your second trimester Bishop wants you on bedrest, he is basically doing everything for you and if he isn't doing it, the prospect is. if it wasn't so annoying it would be sweet.

Bishop treats you like a queen your whole pregnancy, not that he treats you any differently any other time but he always has your craving foods on hand, foot rubs and back rubs whenever you want.

You want to find out the sex but Bishop is so sure it's a boy he doesn't need the scan to confirm.

You can't help but agree based on old wives tales.

You decorate the nursery in gender neutral colours just to be safe.

You end up going over your due date, and you are desperate for this baby to come out.

"He will come in his own time, just be patient" he tells you

the night before your induction (finally) you go into labour.

Bishop messages Tranq and then takes you to the hospital.

36 hours later your daughter arrives, a full head of black hair.

you spend the next few days recovering in hospital.

when you come home you're shocked to find the nursery has been slightly redecorated with some girly things, and lots of princess clothes.

Bishop instantly falls into protective dad mode, along with the rest of the club.


Taza was shocked when you told him you were pregnant, he felt he was too old to be a father.

You both sat down and had a serious discussion about what to do.

You both agreed you wanted to keep the baby, it was just going to be an adjustment.

Taza adjusted quickly to you being pregnant and adored it. He loved watching your bump grow and reading about the babies development.

He would sing to the baby every night and tell it stories.

You had a home birth at the ranch, it was the most relaxing and beautiful experience.

Taza was so supportive.

Taza was instantly in love with your son, he never wanted to put him down.

Constantly having him in his sling on his chest walking around the ranch, talking to him about the animals or different stories.

He must have 1000 photos on his phone that he constantly shows the club, or anyone really.

Such a proud papa.


Over protective from the moment he saw those two pink lines.

Only told Miguel and Emily, he was so worried about someone wanting to hurt you or the baby that he kept you a secret.

Nestor loved shopping for baby clothes though, the baby has more clothes than it could ever wear.

you both decided not to find out the sex so all gender neutral clothes.

Nestor loved coming home and just resting his head on your bump, smothering it in kisses.

He was so worried he would be away when you went to labour, which is what ended up happening.

Emily was there for you though.

Your son looks just like him.

So spoilt, Nestor is always bringing home gifts for you and the baby.

his favourite thing is bedtime though, he puts your son to sleep every night. You two do bath time, then put him in his little sleeping bag and read him a story while Nestor rocks him to sleep.

You'll often find Nestor in the nursery in the middle of the night, just watching him sleep, a peaceful look on his face. Or a sleep in the rocking chair with your son on his chest. 

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