Ice Cold with Gilly

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Request: Something fluffy with Gilly.

Opening up our apartment door, I am surprised to find all the lights off. I quietly lock the door behind me as I head down to the bedroom, finding Gilly passed out on the bed. Smiling to myself, I quickly head into our bathroom.

Turning the shower on, I quickly strip off and step under the hot water, grabbing the shampoo I start to massage it into my scalp, letting the hot water soothe me as I build a lather.

I feel the water temperature slowly decrease as I start to rinse my hair, turning the hot water up, I realise its as high as it will go.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath as I quickly rinse my hair, I wasn't quick enough because suddenly the water turns ice cold.

Yelping I quickly turn off the shower and jump out, wrapping myself up in my towel, storming into the bedroom, I stand over Gilly watching him peacefully sleep. Shaking my wet hair over him, I yell "IF YOU USE UP ALL THE HOT WATER ONE MORE TIME I'M GOING TO BAN YOU TO THE COUCH FOR A MONTH."

Storming back to my side of the bed, I throw on a pair of underwear and one of Gilly's old t-shirts, wrapping my hair up in the towel, I storm out to the lounge room.

"Babe, I'm sorry" I hear Gilly call out as he climbs out of bed.

"Here let me warm you up" he says sweeping me up in his arms and sitting me on his lap.

Nuzzling into my neck, he rubs my back "I'm sorry I used all the hot water again" he murmurs.

"You will be" I reply still annoyed.

Tickling my sides Gilly starts to smother me in kisses.

"Stop" I yell laughing trying to get out of his embrace.

"Not until you forgive me" he replies between kisses.

"Alright, alright" I exclaim "I forgive you" I manage to get out between laughs.

"Promise?" Gilly asks pressing his forehead against mine.

Kissing his nose "I promise" I tell him.

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