Lost Keys with Angel

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Request: Smut with Angel and females name Lexi.

A/N: Requests are still closed this is part of my 500 followers requests. Please note this is for mature audiences only, over 18s, contains smut ect ect.

"Lexi, Lexi" Taza calls out slapping the bar in front of me to get my attention.

"Huh.. what? Sorry" I stutter turning him "I was off in another world" I say smiling at him.

Laughing Taza looks across the clubhouse "is that's what the kids call it these days?"

Grabbing a beer out from under the bar I flip the top off it handing it to him "I don't know what you're talking about" I reply poking my tongue out at him.

Before Taza can respond Ez enters the clubhouse, coming around the bar.

"Sorry I'm late" he says as he grabs himself a beer.

"It's all good, being behind the bar is a nice change from the hot office" I say getting my handbag out from under the bar "see you guys Monday" I say waving goodbye as I exit the clubhouse.

After a long week at work I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend of takeout and binge watching my favourite shows in front of the air conditioning.

Pulling up in my driveway, I head inside opening all the windows to let the rare cool evening breeze in. Padding down to my bathroom I quickly strip off and enjoy a long shower, feeling all the stress of the week wash away down the drain.

Putting on a tank top and pair of shorts I let my wet hair hang loose and head out to my kitchen pouring myself a large glass of wine and then curling up on my couch, I've barely started a movie on Netflix before I feel my eyelids growing heavy.

The next thing I hear is the banging at my door, groaning I push myself up off the couch and head to the front door checking the peephole I'm not surprised to see Angel standing there slightly swaying, opening the door I glare at him.

"Are you lost Reyes?" I ask him

He just chuckles "no I left my keys and my phone at the clubhouse, so I can I crash on your couch?" he asks me giving me puppy dog eyes.

"You realise you're a lost cause?" I ask him laughing and stepping back allowing him to enter.

Shutting the door behind him he kicks off his boots and throws his kutte down heading over to the couch and collapsing down.

I head into the kitchen grabbing him a bottle of water taking it back out and putting it on the coffee table.

"Do you need a blanket?" ask him slightly shivering from the cool breeze that is now filling my house.

"Nah I've got a better idea" he mumbles sitting up.

"Which is?" I ask him puzzled.

Angel doesn't respond he just grabs my wrist and pulls me into his lap, before I can react his lips on mine and one hand is wrapped up in my hair the other one hand slides down my back wrapping around my waist holding me in place as his tongue starts to tease my lips open.

Pushing back off Angel "you're drunk and this is a bad idea" I tell him as I try to climb out of his lap. His other hand lets go of my hair and wraps itself around my waist pushing me further down on to him.

"I'm not as drunk as what you would believe" he murmurs not opening his eyes "maybe it's the only way I've had the courage to do this" he finishes a coy smile on his lips.

Giving in to him, I lean back into his body, kissing him softly as his fingers slide up the back of my tank top causing shockwaves across my bare skin. Our kisses grow harder and faster as my hips begin to grind on his lap. Angel adjusts himself so that I'm straddling his leg.
Groaning Angel's fingers dig into me "keep doing that baby girl" he moans into my neck as his teeth drag down my skin. Rolling my hips back and forth letting the friction build up his hands slide up over my breasts teasing my nipples, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin of my neck. My rocking grows faster and my moans louder as the friction between us grows. My clit throbbing for release.

Angel leans back smirking at me, watching me use his body to get myself off.

"You have never looked more beautiful than you do right now Lexi" he tells me smiling, and with those words my orgasm takes over my whole body, I am withering on Angel's leg, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I yell out his name, my legs clamping over his thigh.

"That's my girl" he says leaning forward kissing me. 

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