Secrets and lies with Bishop

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Request: 31 and 24 with Bishop please" You still wear my hoodie? "" You're married!!"

"You're married?" I hiss at Bishop as he closes the bedroom door behind him.

"Yes, but it's not what you think" he says calmly.

"Oh I'm pretty sure it means your married, and I am just some side piece" I yell rage rolling off me.

"Lina, you are not a side piece, please calm down and let me explain" he pleads.

"Not a chance, you think I'm just going to sit by and take this? I don't fucking think so Bishop" I reply, pushing him out of the way as I storm down the hallway, grabbing my keys and my bag I storm out of the house slamming the door behind me.

One Year Later

A knock at my door startles me, pausing the movie I was watching I get up, opening the door.

"Lina Cruz?" the well dressed man asks me.

"Yes" I reply.

"Lincoln Potter Assistant U.S. Attorney, may I come in?" he asks holding out his hand.

"No" I reply stepping out onto my porch "how can I help you Mr. Potter?"

"I have some questions about your relationship with Obispo Losa" he says smoothly.

"I don't have a relationship with Mr. Losa" I reply coldly.

"That's not what my intel tells me" he says smiling at me.

"Mr. Losa and I ended our relationship a year ago, so your intel is wrong" I tell him, pulling my jumper around me tighter.

"Hmmm, so you haven't spoken to Mr. Losa at all during that time?" he asks me.

"No I haven't, so if you don't have any more questions, please excuse me" I reply turning around and heading back inside, I lock my door.

"Shit" I mutter under my breathe, looking out my window I watch as Lincoln heads to his car, climbing in he drives off.

Pacing my lounge room for twenty minutes I check my street and make sure he's not still hanging around, grabbing my keys I head out to my car and start driving towards the clubhouse.

Walking in I see a prospect behind the bar I don't know, he looks up as I walk in "where's Bishop?" I ask.

"In a meeting, can I help you with something?" he replies.

Looking at the templo doors I realise they are closed, sighing I walk over to the bar "yeah can you pour me a glass of the good scotch, the one Bishop keeps hidden under the bar" I say as I sit down.

Smirking he pulls the bottle out "how do you know about this?" he says pouring me a glass.

"I've spent enough time with Bishop to know where he hides all the good things" I say taking a swing.

Before he can ask anymore questions the doors open and the MC start to spill out the doors.

"Lina?" I hear Riz's voice call out as he walks out.

"Hey stranger" I reply warmly standing up and embracing him kissing his cheek.

"What are you doing here?" he asks squeezing me tightly.

"I've got to see the boss, where is he?" I ask.

Nodding towards templo "in there, he's going to be happy to see you" Riz replies.

"Doubtful" I reply offering him a weak smile as I let go of him, grabbing my glass I head towards the templo doors.

Knocking on the frame, I watch Tranq and Bishop look up at me.

"You got a minute?" I ask.

"Yeah" Bishop says softly, nodding for Tranq to leave, Tranq walks out closing the door behind him.

Leaning against the wall I drain my drink "thought you should know I had a visit from a Lincoln Potter Assistant U.S. Attorney tonight, asking questions about you" I tell him.

"You're still wearing my hoodie" he replies softly standing up.
"Uhhh yeah, its comfortable" I reply "did you not just hear me? The assistant U.S Attorney was at my house tonight"

"I heard you" he says coming to stop in front of me "but you could have called, instead you came here."

"Yeah well, I didn't know if you changed your number" I reply fidgeting with my glass.

"I miss you" he says reaching for my hand.

"Are you still married?" I ask flinching from his touch.

"Yes" he replies before he can continue I cut him off.

"Then nothing else matters Bishop" I tell him as I walk out the door placing my glass on the pool table as I leave.

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