Dancing Circles Around Your Head

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Part One 

Digging in my oversized bag for the studio keys I curse myself for getting the late train from Oakland, and my lack of organisation in setting up the studio yesterday.

"Ah ha" I exclaim as I find the keys in the bottom, unlocking the door a familiar sight catches my eye. A young girl around 16 sits across the road on the park bench watching the studio. She's drinking a coffee and pretending to read a magazine. I see her there pretty much everyday.

Heading into the studio I quickly change and turn on the lights, the floor is clean from yesterday and I quickly grab out cones and ribbons from the cupboard setting up.

I start to gently stretch as I hear the door chime and the sound of excited little feet pitter pattering into the studio.

"Maddie" my favourite students Lily and Ava exclaim as they race in.

"Hello girls" I reply smiling at their cute little faces "do we have our listening ears on today?" I ask them and they both nod excitedly.

"Excellent, why don't you girls warm up while we wait for everyone else" I tell them smiling as I head over to the speaker system plugging my phone in and finding today's playlist.

I see the girl from earlier still sitting on the bench, her eyes every so often glancing up at the studio windows.

The rest of my class files in as the mothers sit on the far side of the room.

"Alright girls" I say quietly as I clap my hands, getting the attention of a group of four year olds is never easy "lets start off with some free dance" I tell them as I hit play on the speakers and let them burn off some energy.

Soon I fall into a rhythm of classes, first my tiny tots, then my eight year olds and finally my advanced ballet class which has 3 students in it. By the end of the lessons I am exhausted.

I quickly gulp down some water and stretch, turning off all the other lights in the studio bar the ones in my room I start to practice my routine for my upcoming performance noticing that the girl is still sitting on the bench across the road.

I decide to pack up, quickly changing I head outside, I quickly cross the road "You know it would be warmer if you sat inside the studio" I tell her as I approach.

Even in the dark I can see a blush spreading across her cheeks "I'm sorry, I wasn't spying or anything I just was--" she says stumbling over her words.

"Hey, its okay, just next week how about you come inside and watch I would hate for you to catch a cold" I tell her as I start to walk towards the train station.

"Is it hard?" she calls out after me.

"What, dancing?" I reply turning back to her.

Nodding she grabs her bag off the bench and races over to me.

"Its extremely hard work, but if you love it, it's worth it" I tell her.

"How old were you when you started?" she asks biting her lip.

"I was three, why are you thinking of taking lessons?" I ask her.

"Yeah but I guess I am too old to learn huh?" she replies her eyes dropping down.

"You're never too old to learn, have you ever been to the ballet?" I ask her.

"No" she replies biting her lip.

"Well I know this is short notice but I have a production on Sunday in Oakland, I could leave tickets for you and your family at the door if you would like to come" I tell her.

"Really?" she asks her face lighting up

"Yep, my name is Madeline by the way" I tell her holding out my hand.

"Letti, Leticia" she replies shaking my hand.

"Well Letti let me give you my number in case your mom wants to talk to me first and make sure I am not some serial killer or something" I tell her smiling.

A laugh escapes her lips as she quickly looks away embarrassed "Don't worry, no one would think that" she says softly "my mom isn't around but my dad will come with me if he doesn't have work" she says handing me her phone. I quickly punch in my number and save it.

"Well if he wants to talk to me he's more than welcome to call me, or else I will leave tickets at the door" I fish a flyer out of my bag handing it to her "The address is on here"

"Okay" she says studying the flyer, smiling up at me excitement all over her face "this is really nice of you"

"You're welcome, I hope to see you Sunday" I say quickly embracing the girl "I have to go or else I will miss my train" I tell her.

"Bye" she says the blush returning to her cheeks.

"See ya" I reply as I head of the station, unable to get the look of joy from Letti's face out of my mind. 

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