Ice cream with Coco

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Request: Coco with the smut prompts #1 "don't make me take you home and punish you" and #108 "God damnit, now all i can think about right now is you licking my cock like its that ice cream cone"

I tweaked the prompts a little and obviously this is NSFW, over 18s, Smut ect ect 

You were sitting on the steps watching Coco working on your car, enjoying the warm summer day stretching you stand up heading inside and grabbing a beer out of the fridge for Coco.

Opening the freezer you grab out an ice cream, heading outside you call out "Hey babe, whose ice creams are these?" holding it up

Looking over his shoulder "They must be Letty's or Angel's" he says shrugging, walking over you hand him the beer and lean on your car looking into the engine.

Unwrapping the ice cream you study your engine, looking mildly confused

"What's wrong?" Coco asks

"I don't understand how you know what's wrong with it? Like, it looks fine to me" you say shrugging and licking the ice cream

Watching you Coco points to a part at the front "that's your radiator and you cracked it, which is why your car overheated and it was smoking" his eyes still on you watching you lick the ice cream.

Licking some of the ice cream that dripped onto your arm off "I'm glad you know what you're doing because I would have just kept driving" you say

Catching Coco's eye "what? Do I have ice cream on my face" you ask reaching up and wiping your face

"No" he says leaning back into the hood of your car "I'm thinking about you licking my cock like its that ice cream cone"

"Oh" pausing you continue "Is that a good thing?" you ask

Groaning Coco turns to look at you "that's a very good thing, now go away and stop distracting me before I take you inside and punish you" he says playfully

"Fineeeee" you moan playfully walking back up to the stoop sitting down and finishing your ice cream and watching Coco

A few minutes later he closes the hood of your car and joins you on the stoop "that was quick, thanks baby" you say kissing him on the cheek

"Don't thank me yet, it's not fixed" he says pulling you into his lap

"Huh?" you reply

"I was too distracted thinking about that beautiful mouth around my cock" he says smiling at you wickedly "and I couldn't concentrate"

"Well" you reply sliding out of his lap and standing up "we better go inside and fix that so you can get back to fixing my car" 

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