Family Part Two

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Taping the box up I scrawl "Donations" across the top, sighing I look around the house wishing I doused it in gasoline and set it on fire, a knock at the door interrupts my thoughts

Standing up and heading to the front door looking out the window I see Felipe's truck in the driveway, opening the door I see Angel standing there holding a plate wrapped in foil in his hands

We stand there not saying anything, just looking at each other wearily "Can I come in?" he asks breaking the silence

Turning around I walk back inside heading into the kitchen, I hear Angel close the door behind him and he follows me into the kitchen, I pull two beers out of the fridge handing one to him as he walks in. Pushing myself up onto the bench I watch him as leans against the wall taking a swing of his beer

"Pops wanted me to bring you something to eat" he says pointing to the plate he put on the kitchen table

"Tell him thanks" I say drinking my beer

Looking around the kitchen "I can't remember the last time I was in here" Angel says

"My mom's funeral" I say softly while picking the label on the beer bottle

Silence fills the room again

"Were you really going to come to town and not call?" he asks me his voice full of something I can't quite pinpoint

"It's been ten years" I say closing my eyes and resting my head on the cabinets "it felt too late for apologies and I didn't think you would want to hear from me"

I feel Angel's hands rest on my thighs, his forehead resting on my chin "Family means you never have to apologise, right?" he mummers his breath warm on my neck

Scoffing I reply "Angel, you and I were never family, we were a hurricane"

"I love a good storm" he tells me

Opening my eyes I look down at him, his eyes soothing me leaning forward I brush my lips against his "You're too good to me Angel Reyes" I whisper

Laughing he cups my face "Nah, I think I'm pretty terrible to you, but I'm going to make it up to you" 

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