Broken Hearts with Bishop

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Request: 35 with Bishop please "35 - I didn't have a choice."

"I don't have a choice" Bishop says cradling his head in his hands.

"We always have a choice Bishop, you've clearly made yours regardless of how I feel" I reply my voice cracking.

Pushing myself off the couch, I head down to Bishops bedroom throwing my clothes into a bag, holding back tears.

Doing one final sweep of the bedroom I realise all my stuff is packed and I head out to my car, not giving a second glance to Bishop who is still sitting on the couch.

Three months later

"You know if you just called him back Bishop would do this for you" Tranq grumbles from under my sink.

"Do you want a beer?" I ask ignoring his statement

"Please" Tranq replies sliding out and wiping his hands as I hand him the beer.

Sitting on my kitchen floor across from him, I pop the top on a beer for myself.

"He's miserable without you" Tranq says taking a swing

"Yeah well, he's the one who told me to get out" I reply sighing "I can't go through that shit everytime someone or something threatens the club"

"He just worries about you" Tranq says placing his beer down

"Yeah well, I'm not his problem anymore" I reply standing up "I've got some invoices to do, let me know when you're done"

Later that night

There's a soft knock at my door, putting my wine glass down I stand up heading to the door, looking through the peephole I see Bishop standing there.

Sighing i rest my head against the door.

"I know you're home, open the door" he says quietly but firmly.

Unlocking the door I head back to the couch grabbing my wine and sitting back down.

I hear Bishop walk in, kicking his boots off he comes over and sits on the couch opposite me.

"I could have come and fixed your sink" he says softly

"It's fine Tranq was free, I know you're busy" I reply darkly taking a swing of my wine.

"Ava, I'm sorry" he tells me

"And I'm sick of hearing it" I tell him

"I wish things could be different" he says standing up and sitting on the coffee table in front of me, his hands reaching for mine.

Pulling back I look him in the eyes "They could be different but you're not willing to try so you have no one to blame but yourself Bishop" I tell him.

"I don't want you to get hurt" he mutters

"Well it's a little late for that, because I am hurting" I tell him standing up and heading to the kitchen to refill my wine.

Bishop follows me, grabbing my wine glass out of my hand he places it on the bench.

"Marry me" he asks

Laughing I reach for my wine glass, Bishop grabbing my hand.

"I'm serious Ava, you want this, all of this? Marry me" he asks his fingers interlocking mine.

"Bish" I whisper "you cannot be serious"

"I've never been more serious about anything in my life, marry me Ava" he tells me

Squeezing his hand I close my eyes, leaning in I rest my forehead against his "Yes" I whisper. 

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