Asking for trouble

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Request: Galindo sister x angel reyes;

It started as a fling, then a fuck you then the feels hit you both

before you knew it you were in over your heads

Nobody thought this was a good idea

Galindo was furious, made every threat under the sun but it didn't matter

Bishop warned you both to be cautious, he also warned Angel if it caused conflict with the club, he would have to chose.

Miguel threatened Angel that if club business hurts even a hair on your head he will have Angel tied to the pew faster than he can stammer out an apology.

You both had a rule, you never talked shop and you never used your relationship as a bargaining chip between the club and family.

Angel hated family events at the Galindo household, but still came. It look awhile for him and Emily to warm back up to each other.

Papa Reyes instantly loved you.

Your relationship with Angel was something special, a cliche but still special.

he could always make you laugh, no matter what.

Your favourite thing to do was long rides on the back of his bike.

His favourite thing even though he would never admit in a million years was when you both would get super dressed up and go out to a super fancy dinner.

Angel can never say no to a good steak and whiskey.

Your brother constantly sends one of his men to check up on the two of you, just a drive by to make sure you are okay. Miguel just worries.

Mostly it works, but when you two fight. God help anyone within a mile radius of the two of you. You both are far too stubborn and passionate. neither of you ever want to admit you are wrong. 

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