Morning cuddles with Riz

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Request: hello sweetheart!! if you're still getting requests from the prompts, could you do the #9 with riz please? we need more riz love!! #9 "You should really stop wearing shirts."

You feel a light hitting you in the eyes, groaning you roll over trying to avoid it, you hear a chuckle, slowly opening your eye's you see Riz standing beside your bed with just a towel on

"Hey baby" you say groggily

"hey beautiful, sorry I didn't mean to wake you"

"It's okay" you mumble

"Hey baby have you seen my black t-shirt, I swear I left it next to the bed" he asks

"I haven't seen it" you reply sleepily, rolling back over and snuggling deeper into the blankets falling back to sleep instantly, you don't even feel Riz climb into bed beside you

you can feel warm sunlight on your face, stretching out you feel Riz lying next to you, you roll over snuggling in close, kissing his chest you feel him stir

"Morning" he says tangling his fingers in your hair

"Morning" you reply softly, lying your head on his chest, you can feel his hand sliding under the blanket and rubbing your back

"Do I get a kiss? Or are you mad at me for waking you last night?" he asks in a sleepy voice

You sit up straddling his waist and leaning down kissing him softly

He moans softly against your lips, his hands sliding up your back under your shirt, he pulls you in kissing you deeper, his kisses start to travel down your neck, Riz softly pushes you back up so that you are sitting on his lap looking at you "that's my shirt, the one I asked you if you had seen last night" he says raising his eyebrow at you "and you said you had no idea where it was"

"This is my shirt now" you reply smiling

"You've claimed all my shirts" he exclaims

"Well, I guess you will just have to stop wearing shirts" you reply leaning down to kiss him

he turns his head away "No, sorry, no more kisses for you until you give me my shirt back" he says chuckling

You sit back up "That's not fair!" you say pouting

"Fair? That's not fair?" he says laughing "I have no shirts left" he reaches for the hem of his shirt lifting it up

"No, it's mine" you say giggling and trying to pull it back down

Riz starts to tickle your sides, making you let go of the shirt and trying to fight him off

"STOP!" you manage to get out between laughs

Riz flips you over onto your back pinning you to bed he keeps tickling you "Give me the shirt back and I will stop" he says laughing at you

"Okay, okay" you say squirming under him "You can have it!"

His hands reach for the hem, pulling the shirt up slowly and lightly tickling your bare skin, leaning down he kisses you, you wrap your legs around his waist and he sits up pulling you in close. Pulling the shirt off he softly leaves a trail of kisses up your neck, nibbling on your ear he whispers "thanks for the shirt" 

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