Coco Drabble

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Aimlessly flipping through Netflix, not even taking in the movies that flash across the screen my thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door.

Glancing at the door I mentally send waves of 'go away' to whoever is on the other side.

A second knock occurs and I groan as I get up off the couch, opening the door I see Coco standing there with a pizza box

"Hey" He says avoiding my eyes

I lean against the doorframe blocking him from entering, crossing my arms across my chest I glare.

"I uh have pizza and a movie" he says nervously "I thought we could hang out"

I don't respond the air is thick with tension

Finally looking back at me, his dark eyes meet mine "I miss you" he says his voice barely above a whisper "I just want things to go back to how they were"

Sighing I reply "Well they can't Johnny, I have feelings for you and I can't be your friend right now. I need time"

"Well, can we at least eat the pizza?" He asks

Rolling my eyes I move from the door "What sort of friend would I be if I denied you pizza?" I ask

He walks into my apartment, putting the pizza on the coffee table, he kicks his shoes off and throws his kutte on the armchair flopping onto the couch.

"Make yourself at home" I say sarcastically closing the front door and joining Coco on the couch

Grabbing a slice of pizza I tuck my legs under me and take a bite, I can feel Coco watching me

"I'm sorry" he says taking a bite of his pizza

"For?" I ask my mouth full

"I should never have said that kiss was a mistake, it wasn't I wanted to kiss you"

Turning my head to him "fuck you Coco" I say "you can't do this"

"I know, I just" He says trailing off "my life is fucked up, The club, Letti, everything is a mess, I don't want want you caught up in that shit"

"I'm already caught up in that shit Coco, you spend most nights on my couch telling me about it, it doesn't make me love you any less" I tell him my voice full of annoyance

Coco sinks back into the couch and I grab a second slice of pizza, silence engulfs us, neither of us wanting to say anything.

Sighing I stand up heading into the kitchen and grabbing two beers out of the fridge, popping the tops off the bottles, I head back to the lounge.

Standing in front of Coco I hand him a beer, his hand wraps around my wrist pulling me down to him, his hands cupping my face, brushing my hair out of my face.

"You love me?" He asks softly

"Yeah I do" I whisper

His lips come up and brush softly against mine, his fingers sliding into my hair pulling me closer, the beers fall out of my hands hitting the couch causing them to foam over.

Wrapping my arms around Coco I mutter "ignore them" kissing him deeper, pulling back Cocos thumb slides across my cheek "I love you too just so you know" he whispers a soft blush spreading across his cheeks.

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