Tied up with Nestor

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Notes: THIS IS 110% PURE SMUT, NOT SAFE FOR WORK, PORN, OVER 18s ONLY! I'm serious. Also there is minor kink in this. 

The ropes on my wrist were causing friction as I moved, my arms were starting to feel heavy above my head.

All of my senses are heightened, the blindfold covering my eyes makes it hard to know how long I've been bound for.

The air shifts in the room, and I feel his presence. I feel the light touch of his fingers along my spine

His fingers travelling up and brushing against my head, I feel the blindfold fall, my eyes taking a few seconds to adjust to the light in the room.

"Hey baby girl" his fingers brushing along my cheek leaning in and kissing me softly

"Hey" I murmur trying to lure him in for another kiss

Stepping back Nestor's eyes travel over me, taking in the elaborate ropes tying my wrists above my head and attaching to the top of our four poster bed.

His eyes coming to rest on my body clad in his favourite green lace cage bra and matching bottoms.

Leaning back against the dresser he watches me as I adjust my knees on the bed, I see him open the top drawer in the dresser his eyes never leaving mine, finding what he was looking for he pulls out, smacking the crop on his hand I shiver at the sound.

"Safe word?" He asks

"Apples" I reply

"You okay?" He asks

"Peachy" I tell him smiling

Walking to me his face turns back to serious, turning me around so I'm facing the top of the bed, he slides the leather of the crop down my spine I bite my lip in anticipation, he pulls it back and taking a deep breath I brace myself for impact, but nothing.

Letting the breath out I feel the sharp sting of the crop across my ass causing me to let out a whimper of satisfaction, before I can recover I feel another sharp sting causing my body to buckle

Nestor's hands come up gripping my hair tightly pulling my head back "I suggest you stop moving or this will be worse for you" he growls in my ear

Whimpering I grip the ropes hoping it will stabilise me as Nestor brings the crop down in multiple strokes, I can hear the moans escaping my mouth but I have no control, I'm lost in the moment of pain and pleasure.

Then I feel nothing but the cool air in the room and the sting in my skin. Nestor slides the blindfold across my eyes tying it behind my head.

Focusing I try to figure out where in the room he is and what would be coming next and then I feel something cool between my legs and a buzzing noise fills the room. Nestor slides the vibrator up and down my thighs and across the front of my underwear causing me to wiggle, his hand slaps my ass and snakes up holding my hip as he presses the vibrator through the material of my underwear against my clit

Moaning I start rolling my hips against it, Nestor digs his fingers into my skin ripping off my underwear he pulls the vibrator away.

Silence fills the room and I'm dying for his touch, I feel his weight on the bed, his hands pushing my thighs apart and his tongue slides over my entrance, up to my clit, his hands gripping my thighs.

"Fuck" I moan throwing my head back, rolling my hips back and forth over his mouth.

His tongue greedily lapping me up, my moans getting louder, his fingers digging harder into my thighs.

Moving my hips faster over his tongue I can feel my orgasm building, his fingers letting go of my thighs spreading my lips open further and exposing my clit his tongue applying the right amount of pressure, I feel my thighs clench around his head, as my climax takes over, I arch my body back, shaking I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming out a muffled moan escaping my lips.

Nestor's tongue withdrawing from me, his fingers teasing me as I come down causing me to spasm, I feel him remove his fingers leaving me panting, I feel him move out from underneath me, standing on the bed I feel him releasing the rope from the top of the bed frame, my arms fall down.

Rolling my shoulders I feel the blood rushing back into my arms, I feel Nestor move off the bed, all I can hear is the blood pounding in my ears. His hands grip my hips pulling me towards the edge of the bed.

"Spread your hands" he says roughly, opening my hands he pushes me onto all fours, the rope rubbing roughly at my wrists. Nestor pushes my thighs open one hand grabbing my hips, and I feel the tip of his hard cock teasing my entrance, pushing my hips back, he slips further in.

His hands gripping my hips controlling the rhythm, he starts grunting behind me, his fingers digging into me

Thwack his hand comes up slapping my ass "Harder" I beg

Nestor's hand comes up slapping me again, and again repeatedly, I can feel my body in complete ecstasy, my eyes rolling back behind the blindfold, I can feel myself reaching a state of euphoria as my second orgasm starts building

"Baby, I'm going to cum" I moan

I feel him pull out of me, roughly flipping me over onto my back, he quickly re-enters me, thrusting deeply, his finger comes down teasing my clit, I'm instantly climaxing, my whole body shaking, Nestor still thrusting he grabs my legs wrapping them around his waist and his hands grip my hips, allowing him to go deeper, I feel him tense and his fingers dig deeply into my hips as he moans, his orgasm ripping through his body. A moment later his fingers loosen their grip on my hips, and he slowly slides out of me.

Climbing onto the bed he pulls me in between his legs undoing the blindfold first, kissing my neck softly, he brushes my hair off my face and over my right shoulder. Wrapping his arms around me he reaches for my wrists, slowly undoing rope, rubbing my wrists.

"I love you" he murmurs into my ear

Snuggling back into his chest I look up at him "I love you too"

When he finishes undoing the rope he wraps me completely up in his embrace, kissing my temple "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" he asks me softly

"I'm okay" I mumble slipping into an ecstasy induced sleepiness 

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