The Monster in Me with Nestor

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"I do not need a bodyguard" I spit as I fling open Nestor's office door storming in.

Sighing he closes the laptop in front of him "this isn't open for discussion, I need you to be safe" he tells me as he rubs his temples.

"Nestor, I don't need it, I am grown ass woman who took care of herself long before I knew you" I tell him crossing my arms.

Pushing himself out of his chair he stands, he looks weary, shadows under his eyes "I'm serious, until this" he says gesturing his hands "passes, you will have an escort every time you leave this house"

"Well this" I reply mimicking his hand motion "has been going on long enough and I am not a piece of property, you do not own me, you will tell them to leave me alone" I retort, rage building inside of me.

"be reasonable mi alma" he replies sighing stepping closer to me.

"No Nestor, you be reasonable, do you understand how crazy this is?" I reply hurt in my voice, stepping back.

"You knew everything about me before I even laid eyes on you" I continue "So tell me Nestor, what does that file you have on me tell you I would do? That I would submit to your every whim? We both know I am not that type" I spit.

"How do you know about that?" he asks softly.

"You're not the only one whose good at snooping" I reply stepping out of the study.

"I just want to protect you, is that so bad?" he asks following me.

"No it's not, but the extent you take it to is" I reply walking into his bedroom. Grabbing my overnight bag from under the bed I start to pack.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm going home, alone. I need to be by myself, I can't handle having all these eyes on me all the time" I reply shoving my things into the bag and zipping it closed.

"Please don't" he replies softly.

Grabbing my bag I walk out of the room, heading back outside, my usual guard heads towards his car.

"Don't bother" I call out as I throw my bag in the backseat "this arrangement has come to end" I tell him as I climb into my car.

Pulling out of the driveway I catch sight of Nestor standing in the doorway watching me leave.

Closing my eyes I say a silent prayer and head home. 

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