Running late - With Bishop

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Request: Omg I love your writing!!! Can you please do "Sorry I'm late, I had some stuff I had to do." "By "stuff", she means me." With Bishop!

This is smutty, my bad. 

You finish getting dressed and you head downstairs to make coffee, feeling sad about the fact Bishop was still on a run. You never sleep well when he is gone. You walk into the kitchen and start brewing a pot of coffee.

Leaning against the bench you rub your temples feeling a headache coming on thinking that you should cancel your plans with your sister and crawl back into bed, your phone buzzes, picking it up you see your sister has sent you a text "Do not bail on me, I really need your help" it reads, groaning you realise there is no getting out of this day.

You quickly gulp down your coffee, grabbing your bag and heading out to your car. You are about to pull out of the driveway when you hear the familiar sound of Bishop's bike coming down the street, he pulls into the driveway next to your car.

You step out of the car "Hey beautiful where are you off too?" he asks climbing off his bike and pulling you in close

"My sisters" you say sighing "I thought you weren't going to be home until tomorrow?" you say kissing his cheek

"Surprise" he says pulling you in for a kiss "let's go inside"

You groan, "I can't I promised Y/S/N that I would help her"

"Okay, well come inside and have one cup of coffee with me, you'll be five minutes late" he says taking your hand

You follow him inside, kicking the door shut behind you, before you can walk any further Bishop is lifting you off your feet and carrying you to your bedroom.

"Bishop, put me down" you say laughing playfully smacking him on his back

Bishop places you gently down on the bed, leaning over you "There you go", he leans down kissing your neck just above your collarbone

A small moan escapes your lips "Bishop, whatever you have in mind is not going to take 5 minutes" you say trying to sit up, Bishop pushes you back down nibbling on your earlobe "You've got me there" he whispers into your ear

You turn your head, your lips colliding with his, your hands are sliding into his hair kissing him deeply, your tongue exploring his mouth, you push off his kutte and start unbuttoning his shirt, pushing it off. Your lips start to kiss down his neck and your hands are exploring his chest. Bishop pulls off your top and starts kissing down your neck across your chest and down your stomach, he reaches the waistband of your jeans unbuttoning them

"This okay?" he asks lightly kissing your hips

"Yes" you moan reaching for him, he pulls off your jeans and panties in one go, he starts kissing up the inside of your thighs, back over your hips, slow delicate kisses that are driving you crazy.

"Bishop" you moan

his lips find yours getting lost in his kiss, you feel him lift your leg and slide inside of you moaning you throw your head back and Bishop buries his face into your neck. It doesn't take long for you two to fall into a rhythm, his hands exploring your body and kissing you.

"Oh, God Bishop, I've missed you" you moan each thrust bringing you closer to the edge, wrapping your legs around Bishop he thrusts deeper inside

"I missed you too" he says a moan escaping his lips

"oh god" you moan feeling your orgasm building up

"Bishop" you moan pulling him into you as you cum kissing him deeply, a few thrusts later Bishop lets out a deep moan "Y/N, fuck" he says you feel his legs spasming against your thigh. You lay with your legs wrapped around him for a few minutes while you both try and catch your breath, he presses a kiss to your forehead before he unwraps your legs, lying next to you on the bed. You roll onto your side, putting your head on his chest

"Welcome home" you say snuggling into his chest

You can hear your phone ringing from the lounge room where you left your bag "Shit!" you exclaim sitting up "Oh my god, I'm so late"

Bishop just laughs at you as you jump out of bed, throwing your jeans on and searching for your shirt

"Since I made you late, let me drive you" he says handing you your top

"That would be great" you say hurrying him to get dressed

"You sure know how to make a man feel loved" he says kissing you on the cheek

You both laugh as you walk out of the house, climbing into the car you text your sister telling her you're on the way.

As you pull up your sister walks over to the car

"Hey Sorry I'm late" you say hugging your sister "I had some stuff to do and I lost track of time"

"By stuff", she means me" Bishop says to your sister winking

Groaning you shut the car door on Bishop turning to your sister shaking your head, she just laughs pulling you up the path 

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