Fighting with Bishop

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Request: Could you please do a Bishop fluff where you get into a fight and he leaves for the clubhouse but comes home later apologizing for your fight

"You are not going" Bishop tells you as he leans against the doorframe in your bathroom

"I don't remember needing your permission" you reply finishing your makeup and pushing past him

He sighs, watching you walk over to your closet, grabbing out your leather jacket "I'm serious Y/N, you are not leaving this house" he says firmly

You spin around glaring at him "Bishop, I am not one of your MC brothers you cannot boss me around" you storm out of the room before you say something you regret

Bishop follows you downstairs while you are grabbing your bag he blocks the front door "This is not a joke Y/N, you will call your friends and say you are sick and you are staying home" he says with an edge to his voice

You throw your hands up in frustration "Just because you are old enough to be my father Bishop, doesn't mean you get to act like it, I am an adult who is quite capable of taking care of themselves, what do you think is going to happen? I'm going to get killed at a busy restaurant, you are being completely unreasonable" you yell

You see Bishop flinch at your dig at his age before he can respond his phone rings "Unbelievable" you mutter

He pulls out his phone and is soon walking out the front door, he pauses before closing the door "Lock the door behind me and the prospect is outside so I wouldn't try and sneak out"

You kick your shoes off and throw your jacket on the floor, you storm into the kitchen and pour yourself a large glass of wine and sit on the couch, texting your friends saying you have to bail on dinner. Sighing to yourself you turn on the tv curling up and watching some stupid movie you are barely paying attention too, drifting off to sleep.

When you awaken, the house is completely dark besides the tv on in front of you, you sit up stretching the kink out of your neck, reaching for your phone you realise its after midnight and you have no messages from Bishop. Sighing you stand up checking the front window and seeing the prospect still sitting on your front porch, you head back to the couch, grabbing your phone and turning the tv off you head upstairs to bed.

After your shower, you find one of Bishop's flannel shirts putting it on, you climb into bed but sleep doesn't come. You lay there worrying about Bishop and replaying your fight in your head. You hear the familiar rumble of his bike turning onto your street and a few seconds later you hear his bike pull into your driveway.

You hear the front door open and close and a bike start taking off down your street, you assume it's the prospect leaving. You lay in bed waiting for Bishop to come upstairs but the house is quiet. You lay in bed for 15 minutes before deciding to go downstairs and see where he is. You tip toe downstairs looking for him, you see the kitchen light on.

You head towards the kitchen, Bishop is sitting at your kitchen table, his kutte on the back of the chair, he has a beer in his hand, he doesn't hear you walk up behind him.

You sit on the chair next to him, putting your feet up on the chair, wiggling your toes under his leg and resting your head on your knees "what to talk about it?" you say softly

He pulls your legs out resting them across his lap, lightly running his fingers over your calves "I had a fight with my woman tonight, you see she's incredibly beautiful and smart, but she is the most stubborn woman I've ever met and I don't like it when she's mad at me"

"Well maybe you shouldn't fight with her and she won't get mad" you respond reaching out to touch his face

"Maybe" he says softly "But I'm scared I will lose her and that's a worse feeling than her being mad at me"

You slide your legs of his lap and stand up, repositioning yourself so you are straddling his lap, pressing your forehead against his you whisper, "I'm not going anywhere"

He leans in gently kissing you "not even for a guy who isn't old enough to be your father?" he says

You pinch him playfully "I'm sorry" you say

"It's okay mi amor, you just know how to hit a sore spot" he says kissing your forehead

"Yeah?" you say nuzzling into his neck "I also know the sweet spots" kissing the side of his neck gently

A soft moan escapes his lips, Bishop's hands grip your waist and he stands up "lets go to bed, and you can show me how sorry you actually are" he says whispering into your ear 

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