Unity of Hell

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"Pour me a drink" Miguel says as he storms into the office, thunder crackling around him, the room suddenly growing humid, my body sticks to the leather chair.

"Pour your own fucking drink" I say sourly taking a sip of my own, letting the ice cubes cool my tongue.

"we are not doing this tonight" he snips as he sinks into his chair, exhaustion taking over.

"Then when are we? Every night its the same fucking bullshit" I mutter.

"Watch your mouth" he warns

"Fuck off Miguel you don't own me" I spit.

He is on his feet and across the room in two steps, his hand cupping my throat, stroking the side, the slightest pressure.

"I own every fucking inch of you, you are mine, don't you ever fucking forget that. Now mind your mouth, and get up and pour me a drink" he growls, fire in his eyes.

I push myself off the armchair, never breaking eye contact with him, his hand releases me and I start to walk towards the bar.

"Good girl" he murmurs.

And with that I keep walking, out of his office and back to my room, my body shivering with the knowledge that I will be punished for my disobedience. 

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