Christmas Photos with Coco

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"Coco please?" I beg

"Not a chance babe" he says swatting my hand away

"Johnny, pretty please?" I beg giving him puppy dog eyes and pouting knowing he can't resist me when I'm like this

Groaning he mumbles "fine"

"Yesssss" I say jumping up and putting the Christmas hat on him

"Babe you look so cute" I tell him kissing him on the nose

"Oh I'm sure" he say sarcastically tugging on the hat

"Okay, now smile" I say wrapping one arm around his neck and the other holding my phone kissing him on the cheek I snap a photo

Turning my phone around to check it I see him flipping the camera off "Really babe?" I ask showing him the picture

Shrugging he just smirks "My Bad" he says

"Come on, take another one with me" I say trying to pull him back in

Before he can respond the front door opens and Letty walks in swamped with bags jumping up I rush over to help her "Go a bit overboard?" I ask laughing

"I really like Christmas" she says smiling up at me

"Well you didn't get that from your father, he's refusing to take a festive photo" I tell her

Letty looks at Coco and I in our Santa hats "there better be one for me" she replies

"Of course" I tell her "it's even got your name on it"

Dumping her bags on the floor she heads over to the couch grabbing the Santa hat off the table putting it on "how do I look?" She asks

"Beautiful" Coco replies smiling up at her

"Can we take a family photo?" She asks us shyly

"Of course we can" I say smiling at them both, heading over to the couch I sit on the end next to Coco holding my phone up I count down "three, two, one, cheese" snapping the photo

Turning my phone over I see the three of us beaming up at the camera with both Coco and Letty flipping it off

They both burst out laughing "oh really, that's fine but this is going on the wall" I tell them trying not to laugh "it's our Christmas card picture as well"

"Fine by me" Coco says shrugging and kissing me on the cheek

Realising I'm not going to win against the two of them I sigh, turning to Letty "Alright, show me what you got" nodding towards her pile of bags 

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