All Bets Are Off with Gilly

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Request: I'm going to be that person and ask for #57 with Gilly if that's okay - " The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up. "

A/N: Why do you want me to suffer? this hurt.

"Who is the random girl with Gilly, I've never seen her around the clubhouse before?" I hear a voice enter the room as I'm drying my hands in the bathroom.

"Some random bartender, Angel told me Gilly lost a bet and had to ask her out, I don't really know" I hear the second girl reply.

Tears instantly spring to my eyes, when I realise they are talking about me, opening the bathroom door I don't even give them a second glance as I rush out of the clubhouse, unable to hold back tears.

"Hey, what's wrong Riley?" I hear Coco call out as I push past him heading to my car.

Climbing into my car I pull out of the lot, heading home, taking deep breaths trying to stop the tears, I can hear my phone vibrating on the passenger seat but I don't answer it.

Arriving home, I climb into my pyjamas, turning my phone off I pull the covers over my head burying myself deep down as I start to cry deep heaving sobs feeling stupid about crying over a man I've only been seeing for a few weeks and how stupid I am about being a bet.

The following morning I'm woken by a pounding on my door, rolling out of bed I fling open the door preparing myself to yell at the person on the other side for waking me.

"Oh thank God you're okay, I was so worried last night" Gilly says reaching for me.

I take a step back, glaring at him, trying to look as badass as possible in my cat in the hat pyjamas.

"What's wrong?" he asks concern all over his face.

"What's wrong? Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that I was apparently some stupid bet to you" I retort slamming the door shut before he can respond, I latch the deadbolt and head back to bed, ignoring Gilly calling out after me.

I spend the rest of the day in bed wallowing in self pity, until it's time to drag my ass out of bed and go to work, I quickly shower and get dressed, heading out to my car I see a note under my windshield. Opening it up I see its from Gilly, I rip it up before I even read it.

The bar is already packed when I arrive for my shift, sliding behind the bar I shove my bag under the till and start serving, grateful for the distraction.

A few hours later it dies down and Logan the other bartender heads out for a cigarette. Drying the last lot of glasses to come out of the dishwasher, I see Gilly sit down in front of me.

"I fucked up" he says his hands folded on the bar.

"Yeah you did because the moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up" I tell him, as I start to refill the glass cage.

"It's not what you think though" he says.

"I don't care" I tell him "now please get out of here"

I watch as Gilly walks out, his shoulders slumped as he leaves.

Logan returns from her cigarette break "hey I'm not feeling well, do you mind if I head home?" I ask her.

"Sure, do you want me to get someone to walk you to your car?" she asks.

"Nah I am okay, I will just head out the back" I tell her grabbing my bag.

Heading out to my car I see Gilly leaning against it.

"You need to leave" I tell him, as I unlock my car.

"Can I please explain? Please?" he begs.

"Alright, fine, you have thirty seconds" I tell him crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, asking you out was a bet, but not in the way you think" he rushes out "I lost a game of pool and the bet was if I lost, I had to ask you out, Angel knew I was too shy to actually ask you and he knew that if he bet me to do it and I didn't that him and Coco would never let me live it down."

I watch Gilly a moment longer, unsure of his story.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you Riley" he tells me as he walks away.

Climbing into my car, I feel tears welling up in my eyes again, feeling conflicted about Gilly's explanation.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I quickly text him 'I just need time' hitting send, I throw my phone on the passenger seat as I pull out of the parking lot.

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