Heavy is the head that wears the crown with Nestor

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Heavy is the head that wears the crown

"You have a choice" I start

"No I don't, he is my king, I swore an oath to protect and serve him" Nestor cuts me off, his voice cracking, I can feel his pain and frustration radiating off him.

Leaning against the door frame I watch him, his head in his hands, his bloody shirt crumpled on the floor, but his leather holster still on, gun loaded, a soldier ready to fight no matter the consequences.

The air is thick with tension, the humidity filling our house only makes it worse. The perfect storm is brewing and I'm right in the eye of it.

"You May have sworn an oath to protect him, but he doesn't give a shit about you. You're just another human shield, he would sell you out in a heartbeat, because he knows you are too well trained to do the same"

"What would you have me do? This life is all I know" he says not moving.

I watch as the muscles in his back contract and spasm, pain rippling under his skin.

"Kill the King and take the throne for yourself, because if you don't, I will.." I say turning on my heels and walking down the hallway stopping at the front door I slip my jacket on, and say a quick prayer for rain. Cold cleansing rain, God knows I need my sins washed away.

"A King cannot rule without a Queen" Nestor says as he appears at the end of the hallway leaning on the wall. He's removed his holster, a sign of peace in our house.

"No, but a Queen can rule without a King" I remind him.

"Don't make me choose" he murmurs, his eyes soft, for a moment I forget how hard and calculated he can be.

"You always have a choice" I say as I walk out the door. Unlocking my car door, the first drop of rain hits my face, it's warm and sticky, increasing the humidity. I know my prayers won't be answered tonight.

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