Midnight Breakfast with Coco

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"Waffles are not better than pancakes babe" Coco says shoving a hunk of pancakes in his mouth maple sryup running down his chin

"Waffles are a million times than pancakes, you can pour sryup into their little dividers" I reply

Getting up off the kitchen floor Coco grabs two bowls out of the cupboard above my head, grabbing the cereal off the top of the fridge he sits down next to me

"Okay fruit loops or coco pops?" He asks handing me a bowl

"Do we have chocolate milk?" I ask him

Getting up and opening the fridge Coco pulls out regular milk and chocolate milk, sitting back down I pour a bowl of fruit loops and one of coco pops

"We can share" I say as I pour chocolate milk into the coco pops

Taking a mouthful and crunching on the hard cereal I rest my head on Coco's shoulder handing him the bowl

We sit in silence on the kitchen floor handing the cereal bowls back and forth

I start to feel my eyelids getting heavy and closing, laughing Coco pushes me off his shoulder, standing up he offers me his hand "come on baby, it's bedtime it's like 1am" he tells me

Taking his hand we leave our breakfast mess in the kitchen and head to bed.

Climbing in Coco pulls me in to his chest, kissing my forehead he whispers "Pancakes are still better than waffles"

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