Choosing someone else over Riz

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Request: Could you please do 43. "Are you choosing her over me?" with Riz

"Are you really choosing her over me?" Riz asks you reaching for you from under the covers, pulling you back towards him

"Riz" you say laughing "Stop it, I have to meet my sister in twenty minutes"

He pulls you close to his chest "Yeah but wouldn't you prefer to spend the day under the covers with me?" he says looking down at you with those puppy dog eyes

You tilt your head up kissing him on the tip of his nose "As tempting as that is, you need to get to the clubhouse" you say glancing at the clock on his bedside table

"Or we could just stay here" he says tilting your chin up and cupping your face, as his lips touch yours his phone starts buzzing on the bedside table "Ignore it" he says pressing his lips against yours, your hands slide up to the back of his neck, your fingers twirling the hair at the base of his neck. His phone starts rings again and you smirk pulling away Riz groans as he rolls over to answer his phone. You quickly make your escape from the bed knowing you have a better chance of resisting Riz if you're not in the bed with him.

"Okay, I will be there soon" you hear him say as you are grabbing your jacket out of the closet "So much for my grand plans of keeping you in bed all day" he says watching you

you turn to face him "You weren't even close to achieving that goal baby" you say laughing

"I was wearing you down" he says standing up closing the space between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing on your tippy toes you kiss him "Not even close" you say as you pull away

"Come by the clubhouse when you're finished with that she-devil?" he says

"That's my sister Riz, watch your mouth" you say laughing as you walk out of the room

"Was that a yes?" he yells after you

"It's a maybe" you yell back as you walk out the front door

You spend the day shopping with your sister and catching up on everything going on in her life, around 5pm you part ways and you climb into your car calling Riz but there is no answer.

You call the prospect and he answers on the second ring "Y/N? Are you okay?" he asks

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just can't get a hold of Riz" you reply

"They're in temple" he says

"Okay, well I'm going to go past your dads and pick up some steaks, who's at the clubhouse?" you ask

"Just the MC" he says "Do you need any help?"

"It's all good, I will be there soon" you say hanging up

You pull up in front of Felipe's shop and he greets you with a smile, walking around the counter giving you a kiss on your cheek, he turns back grabbing the steaks he has already wrapped up for you "Ez rang told me you were on your way" he says

"Thanks Felipe" you say paying him, another customer walks in and you say your goodbyes.

You soon pull up to the clubhouse grabbing the steaks and items for salad out of the car, walking in as all the guys are walking out of Temple

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Taza says confused

"I brought dinner" holding up the steaks watching the confused looks on all the boys faces, Riz comes out of temple with Bishop

"What's going on?" Why is everyone looking at me like that?" you ask

"Riz told us you left him for another woman" Angel replies "Good for you" he says walking over to the bar grabbing a beer from his brother

"Really Riz?" you say laughing "You are such a drama queen" you start heading over to the bar handing the steaks to Ez "Can you put these on?" you ask grabbing a couple of beers from the bar

"Yeah sure" he replies

You sit down at the table with Bishop, Riz, Taza, Gilly and Coco, handing each of them a beer you look at Riz "Do you want to tell them what really happened?" you ask

Riz just smiles "I already did"

You roll your eyes "I spent the day with my sister" you say as Angel comes over to join you guys at the table "Someone is a little annoyed because I wouldn't spend the day in bed with them"

"Like I said, she left me for another woman" Riz says laughing

"I would have stayed with her over this fool" Bishop says laughing 

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