Late night coffee with Coco - Part two

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Sitting in your booth, you were refilling ketchup bottles, looking up at the clock you see that its almost 2am, time for your late-night companion to arrive.

You head over to the counter putting on a fresh pot of coffee, grabbing your bag out from under the counter you quickly check your reflection in the compact, seeing the dark circles under your eyes you groan, it's been two and half weeks since you last had a day off. Two of the other waitresses had quit and one of the cooks had been out sick, so you had been picking up extra shifts to help out.

Searching in your bag you look for some concealer, but you come up short, only finding a bunch of lipsticks. Shoving everything back into your bag you shove it under the counter, pouring 3 cups of coffee you take one into the kitchen for Ben the late-night cook, he pretty much stays in the kitchen studying on the night shift, he was so quiet sometimes you forget he was even there.

Placing the coffee down next to him, he barely looks up but he does nods his thanks.

You head back out grabbing the other two cups and sit down in your booth, feeling nervous. You try to shake the feeling "Come on Y/N, it's nothing, he's just a cute guy that doesn't want to sit alone. You don't even know his name" you mutter under your breath. You resume filling up the ketchup bottles and before you know it they are all finished. Looking up you see its now 3am and the diner remains empty. You pick up all the bottles and start putting them back on tables and in booths, clearing your coffee cups you head back to the counter, and start cleaning, "He probably has better things to do on a Friday night than sit in a diner" you mutter under your breath, you spend the rest of your shift trying to keep busy and being mad at yourself for being disappointed.

You've never been so excited to see Chloe one of the day waitresses arrive at 4:30am

"Oh, thank god you are here" you exclaim "I haven't spoken to anyone in 6 hours"

"Where's Ben?" she replies laughing, shoving her bag under the counter and wrapping her apron around her waist.

Rolling your eyes, you just nod towards the kitchen, pouring you both a cup of coffee, Chloe sits at the counter "Yeah but at least you had your mystery man to keep you company" she says wiggling her eyebrows at you

"He never showed" you reply shrugging taking a sip of your coffee

"I'm sorry babe" she replies

"It's fine" you reply sadness seeping through your voice "that's enough about me, how's that cute guy you met? Did you call him back?"

"Not yet, I like to treat em mean, keeps em keen" she says laughing before she can continue the door chimes and a couple of truck drivers walk in, sighing Chloe puts down her coffee cup and turns to greet them

"Good morning gentlemen, take a seat I will be with you in a minute" she says cheerily, looking to you she says "run, while you get the chance. I will see you next week?"

"Yeah, you will" you reply taking your apron off and grabbing your bag

"Enjoy your days off" she says as you walk out the door waving goodbye

Climbing into your car you start driving home, counting down the minutes until you can crawl under your blankets and sleep for the next two days.

You hear your phone vibrating across your bedside table pulling you out of a deep sleep, groaning you roll over answering it

"Hello" you mumble down the phone

"I'm sorry" you hear Chloe's voice on the other end of the line "I know it's your day off but could you please come in? Amy called out sick and our busboy never showed"

"Ughhhhhh" you moan down the phone

"If you come in I will take you out tonight and drinks are on me" She says

"Alright" you reply sitting up running your fingers through your hair "but I except good booze, top shelf shit"

Chloe just laughs "yeah yeah get your ass here ASAP" she says

Rolling out of bed you find a clean uniform and quickly throw it on, throwing your hair up into a messy bun you quickly fix your makeup and race out the door.

Walking into the diner you are surprised to see it so busy, it's a completely different place during the day and it takes you a minute to adjust to all the noise. You see Chloe coming out of the kitchen and you meet her behind the counter

"Oh thank god you are here" she says as you are shoving your bag under the counter and putting your apron on "can you manage your usual section and section two?"

"Yeah, you owe me big time" you reply standing up and heading out to the busy diner.

The next two hours pass by in a blur, when the diner finally starts to quiet down you head into the kitchen for five minutes where you don't have to use your customer voice or smile.

Groaning you lean up against a counter and take a swing of the red bull you found under the counter, Chloe comes in leaning on the counter opposite you holding her hand out for the can, you both stand there for a minute finishing off the red bull enjoying the two seconds of quiet.

Ivy one of the other waitresses comes around the corner dumping a stack of plates into the sink

"Y/N a group of guys just walked in and sat in your section, do you want me to cover you?" she asks

Pushing yourself off the counter you sigh "It's fine, I've got it" you say throwing the empty can of red bull into the trash and walking out of the kitchen

As you walk out you spy the table of guys Ivy mentioned, grabbing some menus and a pot of coffee you walk over

"Good afternoon, I'm Y/N and I will be your waitress today" you say pausing when you recognise the man sitting in the corner up against the window "ahhhh, here's some menus and I will be back in a minute to take your order" you say making a quick getaway

"Shit" you say putting the coffee pot back realising you didn't even offer the table any, Chloe just looks at you raising an eyebrow

glancing over your shoulder "My late-night companion is here" you whisper nodding to the table; Chloe's eyes grow wide and before you can say anything she is making her way over there.

Watching her you see her walk past the table and start clearing plates off another table, winking at you she comes back nodding for you to follow her into the kitchen, dumping the plates

"The tall one on the end? He's cute, you're lucky you've got dibs" she says

laughing you reply, "I do not have dibs, and it's the one up against the window" glancing out of the kitchen you sigh "I should probably go take their orders"

approaching the table "Are you guys ready to order?" you ask

"Yeah, uhhh I will get a cheeseburger and fries and a coke" the tall one says

"Same here" the guy on the opposite side of the booth chimes in

"And for you?" you ask gazing at your late-night companion

"Just coffee" he mumbles

"Perfect" you say smiling "that shouldn't be too long" you collect the menus off the table and head back to the counter, as you are walking away you hear "Damn she's fine" rolling your eyes you know it's the tall one. 

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