Nestor having a crush on you

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Request: I was wondering if I could get a small imagine of Nestor nervously asking the reader on a date  and Can you do a would include for Nestor having a crush on you. 

A/N: I am doing these two requests in one, they are similar to each other and I didn't want them to overlap.

Nestor would keep his crush to himself.

His life is complicated and he doesn't want to complicate someone else's life, or disappoint you with his constant working.

He would run a background check, and engage in some mild stalking, just to make sure you were okay.

He loves seeing you smile, it makes his whole day.

He is constantly in two minds about you, one side being about how he wants to be around you and the other where he wants to protect you by never coming near you.

He decides to test the water and sends you flowers, on the outside he is cool, calm and collected. Super suave, on the inside? he's a mess.

He's surprised when you call him to thank him for the flowers, you end up talking for an hour. You are easy to talk too.

The phone calls continue for weeks, Nestor looks forward to them. Your voice, your laugh can bring him out of even the darkest of moods.

He's always sending you flowers, or chocolates anything to let you know he is thinking about you.

He is still too nervous to ask you on a date though.

After a few weeks you playfully confront him about it "Are you ever going to ask me on a date?"

"oh, ah, yeah I've been meaning to do that" Nestor would stammer out and quickly change the subject. It would take him another few weeks to work up the courage to finally ask you out.

He's a perfect gentleman when he does it, he's waiting for you when you finish work with a huge bunch of flowers.

"hey" you say smiling up at him.

"hey" he replies unable to wipe the stupid grin off his face "so I wanted to ask if you were free on Saturday night to go out for dinner? like on a date, with me?" he would stammer out, you can clearly tell he is nervous.

"for you? of course I am" you say reaching up and kissing him on the cheek causing him to blush. 

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