a constellation of tears on your lashes with Nestor

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a constellation of tears on your lashes

'8pm, our usual room, I left the room key in your glovebox. N'

Reading the message I fight to keep my face neutral as my whole body lights up in anticipation.

"Ava, you still with us?" My brothers voice snaps across the table.

"Yes" I reply cooly turning my attention back to the room. This business meeting had been dragging on for hours, and I was desperate for it to end. My father's foul mood had seeped into all of us and we were all on edge.

8:20pm, and I finally race out of my fathers offices, jumping into my car I head to the hotel, knowing that I was going to be punished for my tardiness.

8:45pm I exit the elevator, smoothing down my dress I softly knock twice on the door before entering. The room is softly lit by lamplight.

"You're late" Nestor says irritated, no questioning tone just pure irritation.

"My meeting ran over" I reply looking around the suite for him.

"Shoes off, on your knees in the middle of the room," he ordered.

The cockiness and raw power of his words instantly causes my nipples to grow hard. Slipping my shoes off and placing them by the door with my bag I walk to the centre of the room, dropping to my knees, sitting with my ass on my heels, my hands clasped behind my back and my head bowed.

My skin is on fire, desperate for his touch, it's only been two days since Miguel's party but I'm like an addict, I need to feel his rough touch.

"Safe word?" he asks walking across the suite

"Apples" I reply without looking up, I hear him pour a drink and take a seat in front of me on one of the armchairs.

"Good girl" he murmurs taking a sip of his drink, I can hear the ice cubes rattling in his glass.

I can feel the intensity of his gaze as I kneel in front of him, every inch of me begging for his touch. I have no idea how long he leaves me sitting like this, my feet went numb a long time ago and my knees are aching.

"Tell me Ava, do you feel you've been punished enough?"

"No" I reply not daring to look up.
He's on his feet before I finish, his hands are in my hair ripping my head back so I'm looking up at him.

"No what" he growls his eyes full of hunger as he looks down at me.

"No Sir" I reply licking my lips arching my body towards him.

He doesn't let go of my hair, but his other hand comes down and unzips his fly, pulling out his thick hard cock I can see the head pulsing, a drop of pre-cum on the tip.

I lick my lips again, desperate for him.

"Open" he demands and I open wide greedily desperate for him.

Nestor positions himself in front of me, guiding his throbbing cock into my open mouth, both his hands now in my hair, controlling my head as he starts to fuck my throat.

I'm choking on his cock, as he furiously pumps in and out of my mouth, the force bringing tears to my eyes. The moans coming out of my mouth vibrating off his cock, filling my mouth causing him to grunt as I swirl my tongue around his shaft with each thrust.

"Ava" he moans as he yanks my hair listening to me choke.

I never want this to end, I look up at him, tears rolling down my face, his thrusts growing faster and harder a moment later I feel his whole body tense and his hot cum dripping down the back of my throat. Smiling swallow greedily and start to lick him clean as he softly sways on his feet.

He gently pulls himself out of my mouth, kneeling down to my level, he wipes my tears away, softly kissing my left cheek, across my nose down across my right cheek then down to my lips brushing his across them softly whispering my name.


"Nestor" I whisper back

"I'm not done with you" he says sliding his hands up and pinching my nipples, I yelp in pleasure.

"Good" I moan.

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