Bedtime with Nestor

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"Teeth and bed please" I call out from the kitchen, closing the kitchen cupboards

"But Mommmmmm dad isn't home yet" I hear Sebastián reply

Walking into the lounge room I glance up at the clock, realising my husband should have been home over an hour ago I sigh

"Looks like daddy is working late, you're stuck with me" I tell the twins motioning for them to get up "come on go brush your teeth and I will tuck you in"

Sophia and Sebastián grumble as they get up and head upstairs to the bathroom, watching them walk upstairs I grab my phone off the coffee table

'Video call? Or too busy?' I fire off a quick text

Hearing Sophia scream upstairs I groan rubbing my temples, I head upstairs "Sebastián stop whatever you are doing to your sister" I yell out

Walking into the bathroom I see Sophia's braids hanging loosely "Seb why are you pulling your sisters hair?" I ask him

"I didn't do it" he replies grumbling

"Come on bed" I say pointing to the twins rooms

Watching as the twins climb into bed I head over to their bookcase "what would you like me to read tonight?" I ask them

"Can you call daddy so he can do the voices?" Sophia asks me

"Sorry baby daddy is working" I tell her

The twins look at each other, Seb shrugs and Sophie turns to me "it's okay mommy, daddy can just read two chapters tomorrow night" she tells me

"What's wrong with Mommy reading to you?" I hear Nestor's voice from the doorway

"Daddy" the twins exclaim jumping out of bed and racing over to their father his arms sweeping them up into a tight embrace

Carrying them over he plops them down on Sophia's bed "Alright daddy will do monster check and then read you one chapter" Nestor says as he drops to the floor. Pulling the covers up he checks under Sophia's bed "no monsters" calls out rolling over he checks under Sebastiáns bed "All clear" he says jumping up. Flinging open the closet doors he pokes around inside "I think we are monster free" he tells the twins turning back to them.

Walking over I wrap Sophia up in a big cuddle kissing her forehead "goodnight baby girl" I say before turning to Sebastián and doing the same "goodnight my sweet prince" I tell him watching as they both snuggle into their father who already has their bedtime book open.

Smiling I head back downstairs, tidying up the lounge room I smile satisfied that it's clean enough I head into the kitchen. Grabbing out a glass I put two stone cubes out of the freezer and pour in some scotch. Heading back upstairs I lean against the twins bedroom door watching Nestor cuddling with our kids, who are asleep curled into him.

Not wanting to wake them I gently shake the glass letting the stones rattle, he looks up smiling, gently manoeuvring himself out of their embrace he climbs out of Sophia's bed and gently picks Sebastián up tucking him into his own bed.

Walking over to me he kisses my forehead and takes the glass out of my hand, placing it outside the room on the hall table. Standing behind me he wraps his arms around my waist burying his head into my neck and inhaling deeply. I turn the bedroom light off and push Nestor out of the room, pulling the door closed.

"I missed you" he murmurs into my neck

Turning around I wrap my arms around his neck "we missed you too" I whisper

"So I've been thinking" Nestor says softly his eyes intently locked on mine

"About?" I ask

"Maybe the twins are ready to be siblings" he says a smile spreading across his face

"Are you serious?" I ask him

His hands travel down my back, cupping me under my butt he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist

"I've never been more serious" he tells me as his lips press against mine.

My fingers intertwine in his braids as I kiss him deeply, a soft moan escaping my lips

"Is that a yes?" He murmurs as he carries me down the hall to our bedroom

"It's a maybe" I tell him as I kick the door shut behind us

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