Did I ever tell you? Adventures in babysitting

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A/N: sort of part of 'Adventures in babysitting' also I wrote this on my phone so sorry if the formatting is shit.

"Momma?" Mia asks sleepily as you tuck her into bed.

"Mmmm sweetheart" you reply, smoothing her hair back, watching as your sweet daughter rubs her eyes.

"When can I have a boyfriend?" She mumbles yawning.

"Never, no boyfriends for my little princess" Ez's voice says from the doorway as he enters the room.

"Daddy" Mia says her whole face lighting up as Ez climbs into bed next to her wrapping her up in his arms smothering her in kisses.

"Daddy stop" she says laughing, snuggling closer to Ez.

"Okay my little sunflower" he murmurs into her hair smoothing it back "sweet dreams"

"Night mama, night daddy" she replies, her eyes closed before Ez and I get to the door.

Heading into the lounge room Ez pulls me into his chest and down onto the couch, my body melting into his.

"What was with that comment?" He asks grumpily.

Laughing I roll my eyes "calm down papa Reyes, some of the girls in her class have boyfriends its no big deal" I tell him leaning up kissing his nose.

"No big deal?" Ez exclaims "my little girl is never getting a boyfriend, I think I need to make sure some of her uncles start picking her up from school"

Rolling my eyes I snuggle into his chest "did I ever tell you about my first boyfriend Ben?" I ask.

Ez wraps his arms around me, stroking my arms "no, why?"

Laughing "oh you'll love this, so I was sixteen and Ben was the first boy who was brave enough to ask me out. For Ben's safety, I kept it a secret from my dad, but you know this town" I say shaking my head "so we have been dating a few weeks and Ben doesn't show up for one of our dates and I'm absolutely devastated, crying in a booth at the diner. I called my mom to get me after waiting for two hours"

"Oh baby, what a dick" Ez says kissing my head.

"Oh wait" I say laughing "so the next day he's at school and he's avoiding me like crazy so I end up cornering him in the boys bathrooms, basically calling him an asshole for standing me up and demanding to know what happened"

"And?" Ez asks.

"My lovely father and Bishop kidnapped him the night before, and well, decided to show him what happens if you break a Loza's heart, Ben or any boy for that matter never came near me again."

A rumble starts in Ez's stomach as he breaks out in laughter, sitting up I swat his arm.

"What? You think my dad and Bish are something to be messed with?" I ask playfully.

"Fuck no, I just realised that I'm a kitten compared to Mia's Tios"

"Hey, so how come I never got kidnapped and a talking to about what happens if I break your heart?" Ez asks slightly wounded.

Laughing I lay back down on his chest "well kitten, that's because my pops is probably more scared of what I'll do you, whatever I'll do is a million times worse than anything he can dream up"

"He's not wrong there" Ez murmurs into my hair pulling me tighter.

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