Late night coffee with Coco - Part Three

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"Order up" I hear EJ the day cook yell, I grab the plates loading up my tray and heading over to the table, plastering my best fake smile I put down the plates in front of them "here you go gentlemen, is there anything else I can get you?" I ask

"Your number" the tall one says winking at me

I try not to roll my eyes "unfortunately I don't give my number to strangers, you know stranger danger and all that" I reply

"Well my name is Angel, this is Coco" he says pointing to my late-night companion "and that's Gilly" he says pointing across the table "See? Now we aren't strangers" a smile spreading across his face

"Wow, are you guys in a boy band with names like that?" I retort, Coco snorts smirking at me

"If I say yes, will you go out with me?" Angel replies

"Nope" I reply walking away "enjoy your meal" I call over my shoulder, walking into the kitchen I see Chloe

"Unbelievable, his friend was hitting on me" I say resuming my place on the counter

"the cute tall one?" Chloe asks

"Yeah the one I'm not interested in" I reply

adjusting her uniform and winking at me "Well I am" she says heading out of the kitchen I just shake my head watching her leave.

Chloe struts back into the kitchen 10 minutes later a smile on her face

"Guess what?" She says sliding next to me where I'm rinsing dishes and stacking them in the tray

"What?" I reply moving the full tray down to the dishwasher and grabbing an empty one

"We have a party to go to tonight" she replies proudly

"A party?" I reply turning to face her

"Yep full of hot biker dudes, including your little crush"

"Chloe" I exclaim raising my voice "why do you do this to me?"

"Cause I love you and you've had two weeks to make a move on that guy and nothing, so think of me as your fairy godmother" she says twirling around

"Yeah I'm going to bippy bop your ass in a second" I mutter under my breath

Grabbing the stack of plates on the sink and the hose she bumps me out of the way "go home, have a nap and be ready to go when I pick you up at eight" she says "oh and Y/N? Wear something sexy"

Rolling my eyes I head out of the kitchen waving goodbye to EJ and Ivy. I grab my bag and head out of the diner heading home for the second time today.

Entering my apartment I throw my bag on the floor locking the door behind me, I strip off my uniform and face plant into my bed, setting an alarm on my phone I pass out cold the next thing I know my alarm is going off, groggily I turn it off checking the time, 5pm and I have 3 messages from Chloe

"Don't forget to wear something sexy"

"Wear your hair down"

"Seriously 8pm don't bail on me"

Rolling my eyes I text her back the middle finger emoji and climb out of bed, turning the shower on I step under the hot water letting it drown out my worries for tonight.

I wash my hair and jump out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body and one around my head, I quickly moisturise my whole body "what the hell, I might get lucky" I mutter to myself

I towel dry my hair and quickly blow dry it straight, it falls down past my shoulders, with clean hair I start to feel a bit more human. I head back into my bedroom throwing on a pair of old sweatpants and a tank top, sitting down in front of my mirror i clip my hair up and start to do my makeup, I decide to do a soft Smokey eye and a nude lip. Once finished I head over to my dresser opening my underwear drawer, letting my mind wander to Coco and think about what I would like him to take off me. I feel a slight blush creep across my cheeks, sighing I pick out my favourite red lace thong and matching bra. Stripping off I put on the set checking myself out in the mirror. Happy with how I look I dig out my favourite pair of black jeans, sliding them on and a black tank top. I slip my feet into my favourite pair of boots and I unclip my hair, shaking my head letting my hair fall around my face. I check myself out one last time in the mirror happy with how I look I head out to my kitchen. Checking the time I see it's 7:30pm, I reheat some leftovers while I wait for Chloe, I'm halfway done when I hear a knock at my door, jumping up and opening it I see Chloe standing there in a sexy black dress and knee high boots

"You're early" I say stepping back letting her into my apartment

"I wanted to make sure you were ready and followed my instructions" she replies eyeing me up

"Does this satisfy you?" I ask twirling around

"No, but I feel like it might satisfy someone else" she replies smirking

"You ready to go?" She asks

"Yeah just let me grab my stuff" walking back into the kitchen I grab my phone and head back to Chloe grabbing my keys and bag from where I dumped them when I got home.

"Let's roll" I say holding the door open for her

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