Rich doesn't equal taste with Miguel

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Request: "You're rich and you waste your money on that nasty shit." With Miguel for your request please?

Euphoria fills me when I see Nestor walking in the door with that familiar brown bag, leaping off the couch I almost knock him over as I snatch it out of his hands greedily.

Rolling his eyes he just watches as I make my way back to the couch, opening the bag and emptying its contents on the table.

Groaning with content I grab a handful of fries and shove them in my mouth "so good" I moan.

I'm so wrapped up in the deliciousness of the salty fries I don't hear Miguel enter the room.

"I don't understand he says entering the room "You're rich and you waste your money on that nasty shit."

"It's delicious" I tell him with a mouthful of fries.

Wrinkling his nose he turns to Nestor "and I suppose you're responsible for this?" he asks.

Nestor shrugs his shoulders "maybe she ordered it through uber" he says his face neutral.

"Unbelievable" Miguel grumbles shaking his head as he walks away.

Winking at Nestor I mouth thanks.

"I know better than to get between a pregnant woman and her cravings" he whispers following Miguel. 

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