A Discovery in the Stacks - Ez & Miguel

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A/N: Over 18s, smut ect. ect. Also a little gay.

AU!: where Ez is in college, no longer with Emily and meets Miguel.

Happy Pride! 

Ez had been away at Stanford for five months now and outside of his classes had hardly left the library. Ez was struggling with the adjustment of being away from his family but also the fact that his girlfriend had broken up with him. Luckily for him his workload kept him busy and distracted.

Walking into the library he took a deep breath in of that familiar scent, fresh paper, old books and a hint of coffee, he instantly felt calmer.

Heading up the to study area, he was delighted to see his favourite table by the window was free, slipping into the well worn seat Ez pulled everything he needed out of his backpack and was instantly lost in his studies.

A tightness in Ezs neck drew him out of his deep concentration, checking his watch he realised he had been studying for three hours without a break. Leaning back in his chair he brings to stretch, rolling his shoulders and neck. A feeling of being watched causes Ez to look around the library, and he's surprised to see a young man two tables away watching him as he stretched. The man's eyes were roaming Ez's body, watching as his shirt rode up his stomach as he stretched. Ez met the man's soft brown eyes and was surprised when he didn't look away or grow embarrassed. He just licked his lips and smiled at Ez. Ez could feel his cheeks flushing at the attention.

Putting his head back down he buried his nose in his studies, but couldn't regain his concentration. He could still feel the man's eyes on him.

"So do you come here often?" A smoky voice says from above me.

"To the library?" I reply confused looking up.

"Yeah that was terrible" he replies before sitting down across from me "I'm Miguel" he says holding out his hand.

"Ezekiel" I reply reaching out and shaking his hand. The moments our fingers touch electricity courses through my body, little sparks lighting up every nerve in my body. I quickly pull my hand away.

"So I see that you have taken up residence in the best seat in the library, you see this is my seat" Miguel says his voice cocky.

"Well I study here all the time" I reply crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well we must be on opposite schedules normally, and I tried studying at that table over there" he gestures to where he was sitting earlier "however, I was struggling to concentrate with you over here" he replies smugly.

"Well I'm not moving" I reply putting my head back down and continuing to read my chapter.

"Okay" he replies, I hear a chair scrape along the ground as he takes up the seat across from me and starts unpacking his bag.

The next few weeks are much the same, most days are spent in the library, where Miguel joins me to study. Every now and again our legs brush under the table, causing a shiver to run through me. On more than one occasion I catch Miguel staring at me, his gaze intense, and his face full of something I cannot place and I am too scared to ask him about it.

"Are you going home after finals?" Miguel asks me, not looking up from the thick textbook in front of him.

"Yeah, I've got to help my parents out in the shop, how about you?" I ask, taking a break and reaching for the bag of gummy bears Miguel brought as a study snack.

"Yeah I've got to help my father out with the family business too" Miguel replies glumly, without looking up he reaches for the gummy bears too, his hand colliding with mine, sending a shock through my body.

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