Kiss me with Nestor

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Walking down the hallway I'm surprised to see the lights on in Nestor's study, usually he comes in to kiss me as soon as he gets home.

I head into the kitchen, refilling my water glass before I head into his study, opening the door I see him sitting at his desk cradling an empty scotch glass.

Walking around I take the glass out of his hand placing it on his desk besides my water glass, pushing myself up on to his desk I gently stroke his cheek.

"Rough day?" I ask softly.

"Better now you're here" he replies smiling up at me.

Rolling my eyes at him I lean down kissing him, his hands slide around my waist pulling off the desk and into his lap.

Straddling his waist, my hands lightly travel up and down the back of his neck as my tongue softly opens his lips.

His kisses are slow and delicate, as his fingers slide under my shirt, cool against my bare skin.

Twisting is braids through my fingertips, I gently tug pulling his head back, as I softly kiss down his jaw and throat.

His soft moans music to my ears as I kiss back up his neck, my teeth dragging along the delicate flesh. My lips finding his. His hands now wrapped up in my hair as he pulls me closer, kissing me harder than before, my hips grinding across his lap as the rhythm increases.

"Maybe we should go to bed" he moans, breaking the kiss.

"Or we could stay right here" I reply winking at him as I lean back into him kissing him.

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