Stomach flu - with Bishop

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Request: Bishop 27- "I'll just be in the bathroom throwing my fucking guts up because our unborn kid wants to be a dick!"

Notes: this is really long and I tweaked the prompt a little bit

Resting your head on the side of your bathtub enjoying the coolness against your forehead, you feel another wave of nausea groaning you lift the toilet seat again and vomit for what feels like the 100th time this morning. Once you finish you manage to pull yourself up, splashing some cold water on your face and you stumble back to bed pulling the covers over your head you fall back asleep.

You can hear your phone ringing, reaching for it you manage to knock half of your bedside table onto the floor

"hello?" you answer groggily

"Y/N? What's wrong?" you hear Bishop's voice

"I still have this stomach bug, I'm so sick" you reply trying to sit up

"oh baby, I'm sorry, I wish I was there to take care of you" he says down the phone "Do you want me to send Chucky around with some soup?"

"I don't even think I can stomach soup at this point, but thank you" you reply

"Okay, well I will be home day after tomorrow, if you need anything call me or Chucky and he will come over okay?"

"mmmk" you mumble down the phone

"Go back to sleep, I love you"

"I love you too Bish, be safe" you reply hanging up and falling back asleep

The next thing you hear is a strange beeping noise opening your eyes you realise you are not in your bedroom but in a hospital room

"What the hell" you say trying to sit up

"Oh, good your awake, I will be back" you hear Chucky say as he runs out of the room

Chucky soon returns with a nurse

"What is going on?" you say confused

"Miss Y/L/N you are in the hospital, Chucky here came to check on you and found you unconscious in your house, you have serve dehydration" the nurse replies

"Yeah I've had a stomach bug last week" you reply

"Okay, well the doctor will be in shortly to check on you" she says turning to leave

"Hey Chucky, thanks for coming to check on me" you say gratefully

"No problem" he says grinning "Bishop called and I came straight over, anything for family"

"Does Bishop know I'm here?" you ask

"Yes, I called him when I found you"

Groaning you reply "you didn't happen to bring my phone, did you? I'm going to need to call him"

"I did, and your bag" he says pointing to the chair next to your bed

"Thanks, Chucky you are a lifesaver" you say smiling

"No problameo" he says, "But I need to be getting back to the yard, if you need anything please call" he says waving goodbye

"Thanks again Chucky" you say waving back

Reaching for your phone you dial Bishop, he answers on the second ring

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah baby, I'm fine, just dehydrated"

"I'm coming home"

"Don't be ridiculous, it's a stomach bug and the doctors are giving me some fluids and then I can go home" you say firmly, "I will be home in bed before you even get home"

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