Sweeter than lime with Coco

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A/N:  this is 110% smut, pure smut. don't read if you're not over 18. 

"Another shot?" I ask Coco holding up the bottle of tequila.

"Only if you join me" he replies with a wink.

Laughing I grab two shot glasses, a slice of lime and the salt. filling the two glasses I lick the back of my hand sprinkling the salt on it and handing it to Coco, rolling his eyes he does the same.

"3, 2, 1" I count back licking my hand and swallowing the tequila, grimacing I shove the lime in my mouth sucking it.

Coco bends his finger at me, gesturing for me to lean over the bar, leaning across his hand snakes around the back of neck, pulling me into him, his lips crushing against mine as his tongue manoeuvres the lime out of my mouth. Holding it between his teeth he pulls back winking at me.

"Thanks" he says smirking as he sucks the lime, taking it out of his mouth he places it in the shot glass.

Licking my lips I can taste the tequila and salt mixed with tobacco.

"Another?" he asks.

"Sure" I reply pouring another shot for us but grabbing two slices of lime handing one to him.

Shaking his head "we did it your way, now we do it my way" he tells me.

"Oh what? Just straight?" I ask wincing at the thought.

"Not quite" he tells me a wicked glint in his eye "ever done a body shot?"

"Not since I was much younger and much stupider" I reply laughing

"Well tonight's your lucky night" he says patting the bar.

"Alright, well up you get" I tell him.

Laughing Coco climbs on the bar laying down "good thing it's empty in here" he says.

Pulling his wife beater up, I lick his snail trail sprinkling salt onto it, I hand him a piece of lime and I climb onto the bar, straddling his legs. Licking the salt off his snail trail, my eyes don't leave his face, his fingers gripping the brim of his snapback.

I throw the shot of tequila back and lean down, taking the slice of lime out of his mouth.

"Fuck" he mumbles, as I lean back on his legs. Laughing I swing myself back down behind the bar.

"What's wrong Coco? Did I do it wrong?" I ask playfully.

"I just wasn't expecting that" he says still laying across the bar.

Licking my lips "what were you expecting?" I ask him.

"Why don't I show you?" he says sitting up patting the bar next to him.

Climbing back up, I sit down as Coco gently pushes me down, his hands go to take his snapback off "leave it on, I like it on you" I tell him.

Laughing Coco spins it around so the brim is at the back, his body leaning over the top of me, he softly licks the side of my neck, sprinkling salt, his fingers pushing my tank top up to the base of my bra exposing my stomach.

Coco reaches over grabbing the bottle of tequila, he licks my neck, his lips traveling down across my collarbone, I feel the cool liquid spreading across my stomach as Coco pours the tequila over me, licking it up, his eyes don't leave my face.

His tongue lapping up the tequila that has pooled in my hips along the band of my jeans, his touch causing my back to arch, my body pushing into his. A small moan escapes my lips.

Coco's body slides back up mine, his body pressed into mine as he licks the other side of my neck, his hand cupping my face as he softly licks my lips, forcing them open his lips crush mine, his tongue exploring my mouth. My hands sliding up his arms and across his back.

My hips pressing into his, I can feel his hard cock straining against his jeans, Coco's other hand slides down my body, unbuttoning my jeans and pushing them down. He slides off me, pulling me to edge of the bar and pulling my jeans off.

His lips kissing up my calves, and the inside of my thighs, pushing my underwear to the side, Coco's finger teases my entrance, lightly circling my clit.

Moaning I push my hips up, desperate for his touch.

"Patience" he tells me pushing my hips back down, his tongue dragging over my hips licking up the stickiness from the tequila and making me squirm.

His tongue slowly slides down the front of my underwear, teasing my clit through the thin fabric, as it meets his finger.

Pushing my underwear to the side, his hands open my lips up as his tongue slides inside of me, a deep moan rings through the empty bar. Coco's tongue expertly teases my clit as his fingers slide in and out of me, my hips start rolling against Coco, my moans growing louder.

Each flick of my clit causing shivers through my body, Coco's rhythm increases as I feel my orgasm building my thighs tensing around his face as I scream out, my fingers digging into my thighs as my orgasm over takes me. Coco removes his fingers, but his tongue slowly laps my juices up, as I twitch under his touch.

"That's what I was thinking of" he says as he removes his face from between my thighs his smirk plastered across his face.

"Well, anyone who does body shots with you must be very grateful" I reply sitting up.

"Nah, just for you babe, just for you" he says spreading my legs and stepping between them, his hands lost in my hair as he pulls me down into a kiss.

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