Proposal with Coco

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Request: ​ Can you do a marriage proposal headcanon with Coco please?

Coco would have gone to Letty first, asking her if she is okay with it.

Letty of course is over the moon and can't wait for Coco to ask you.

She helps him plan everything, even bossing around the whole club to organise this super awesome surprise proposal.

There's going to be flowers, and a photographer to capture the moment and balloons and a sign asking you to marry Coco, and then everyone is going to jump out and yell "CONGRATULATIONS" and throw confetti.

Letty even organised an after party where Tranq was cooking his famous BBQ and she invited all the club family and friends to celebrate a surprise.

Coco was amazed that she managed to get everyone to keep it a secret, but really everyone knew what Letty was capable of and didn't want to piss her off

The closer it got to the big day the more nervous Coco got and he was starting to get twitchy and panicky, what if you said no? he was pulling away from you which was causing you to worry.

The day before the proposal, Coco hadn't been home in two days and you were furious he wasn't answering your calls or texts so you went down to the clubhouse bailing him up in the office of the scrapyard.

"Why aren't you returning my calls?" you ask

"just busy" he mutters he's all nervous and avoiding your eyes, trying to get out the office.

sighing you start to think maybe he doesn't want to be with you anymore, "Alright I can take a hint Johnny" you say leaving the scrapyard.

heading back to Johnny's you pack up all your stuff and head back to your place, crawling under your covers and dissolving into tears.

And thats where you stay for the next few hours, just sobbing, you don't even hear the roar of Coco's motorcycle coming down your street.

"baby, what the fuck is going on?" you hear him say as he walks into your bedroom "I come home all your stuff is gone"

you ignore him burying your head further into the blankets, a moment later he pulls them all back joining you.

"you wanna tell me what's goin on?" he says wiping the tears off your face.

"you've been ignoring me and being weird, I just assumed we were done" you say shrugging.

Coco's face crumples as he pulls you into him "I'm so sorry baby, I never meant to make you feel like that ever, I was going to ask you to marry me tomorrow and I am so damn excited I was worried I was going to let it slip"

"what?" you say confused pushing off him and sitting up wiping your face

"yeah" he says sitting up and pulling a ring box out of his kutte "Letty planned this massive surprise tomorrow, and a party afterwards and I've just been a mess thinking you're going to say no" he says sheepishly "or worse you'll say yes"

laughing you just look at him "why is that worse?" you ask him

"because then I might lose you, and that fear is worse than anything else in this world"

"Johnny, I'm never going anywhere unless you want me too, but you need to talk to me or else were going to have issues like this" you say climbing into his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck.

he kisses you softly taking your hand and sliding the ring onto your finger "looks perfect Miss Cruz" he whispers in your ear as he kisses your cheek.  

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