Welcome Home - Nestor

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A/N: Over 18s, NSFW, Smut ect

"Hey baby" Nestor says nuzzling into my neck

"Mmmm" I mutter rolling over "what time is it?"

"Late" He says kissing my forehead

Snuggling into his chest, my fingers start to trace patterns down his chest trailing along the band of his pyjama bottoms.

My lips brushing against his rib cage "mmmm" me softly moans

Rolling on top of him I straddle his waist kissing him deeply, his arms sliding around my waist.

My lips moving to his neck, my tongue flicking across his tattoo "what are you doing baby girl?" He asks his hands travelling under my shirt

"Hands to yourself" I tell him wriggling out of his grip

Sliding down his body, my lips leaving a trail of kisses down his chest.

Reaching his pyjama bottoms my tongue sliding between the band and his skin, My breasts resting on his crotch, Nestor lets out a moan, I can feel him growing hard. Sliding his pants down I grip his thick hard cock, sliding my hand up and down.

I wrap my lips around the tip, swirling my tongue around the tip and sliding down deep throating Nestor's hard cock, choking slightly causing Nestor to moan.

His hands sliding into my hair pulling it back off my face, watching me slide up and down his cock, my teeth lightly grazing him, he pulls my hair causing me to moan.

My mouth moving up and down, tongue swirling forming the perfect rhythm, Nestor's moans encouraging me.

I feel his thighs tightening and his hands gripping my hair tightly, taking more of him in my mouth I feel the salty hot liquid of his cum hit the back of my throat, swallowing I lick him clean.

His fingers release the grip from my hair and I slide back up to the top of the bed, his arms wrapping around me pulling me in.

His lips finding mine he kisses me deeply his tongue exploring my mouth, pulling back "what did I do deserve that?" He asks a satisfied smile on his face

"Just wanted to show you how much I love you" I say kissing his nose

"Well I love you too" He says kissing me again

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