Toy drive with Nestor and Angel - Part One

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 Request: If you're Requests are open, maybe you could write how Nestor Would React To one of the Mayans hitting on his girl? Maybe the Mayans didn't know she was dating Nestor? Nestor getting all jealous and kinda smutty?(only if you write that😁)

Notes: there will be 3 parts to this, part 2 and 3 will be NSFW, Over 18s, Smutty ect ect #sorrynotsorry 

"Hey" you say tapping the petite blonde in front of you on the shoulder

Turning "oh thank god Y/N!" She says hugging you "I need help"

"Sure anything you need Em" you reply smiling

"You May regret saying that"

You look at her puzzled

"I need you to dress up as an elf and hand out toys with Santa" she says apologetically

You just laugh "how horrible can it be?, lead the way"

Emily leads you to a back room handing you a bag and pointing to a bathroom "you can get changed back there"

After changing into the elf costume you yell out "hey Em? Where did you get this costume from?"

"Amazon, why?"

You open the bathroom door "I'm fairly sure it should have been called slutty elf" you say walking out adjusting the dress

"Oh god" Em replies "wow, that is short. Is your ass covered?"

"Just" you say turning around

"Okay, well are you okay wearing that? I can race to the store but it's so busy and this toy drive is really important to Miguel and I"

"No it's fine, just as long as I don't bend over"

"Okay" Emily replies looking relieved "well at least the dads will enjoy the view"

"Emily!" You say shocked at your friend you both start laughing exiting the back room

Emily points in the direction of Santa and rushes off to help with something else, taking a deep breathe and adjusting your costume you head over to Santa

"Well Santa clearly knows I've been such a good boy this year and has delivered my gift early" a husky voice says from your left

Turning towards the voice you see a tall attractive guy in a motorcycle kutte.

"Well I suggest you get in line and ask Santa for something else, because I'm not here for you" you say

"Oh come on, don't be like that I'm just messing" the stranger says following you

Before you can reply a woman steps in front of you "are you Y/N?" She Asks

"Yes" you reply nodding, looking to the man on your left she says "and I take it your Angel?"

"Yep" he says smiling

"Perfect, I'm so glad you guys are here to help, follow me" She says turning and leading you guys behind Santa's chair

"Okay, so basically the kids will come through sit on Santa's lap, have their picture taken and then you'll give them an age appropriate toy out of the sack, it's pretty easy, if you run out of toys there are additional sacks behind the curtain here. Any issues let me know" she explains before turning to leave

"Well gorgeous, looks like you're stuck with me" he says winking at you

Rolling your eyes you grab one of the sacks of toys and head out to where Santa is setting up.

The toy drive passes by quickly, you spend a lot of time talking to all the cute little kids and loving seeing the joy on their faces. Before you realise the last kid climbs off Santa's lap and you're done for the day.

Santa gets up out of his chair claiming he's dying for a cigarette and walks off, you collapse into his vacant spot, throwing your legs over the side of the massive chair and closing your eyes, suddenly feeling very tired.

"Well my sexy elf how would you like to join me in spreading some more Christmas cheer?" You hear Angel ask

Opening your eyes he is leaning over the top of the chair smiling down at you

"How would you like me to trample you with Santa's reindeers?" You reply smirking

"Hey you two Emily wants everyone who helped in the back room now" the lady who helped you earlier says

"Awesome" you reply jumping up and following after her

Walking into the back room you spy Emily standing with Miguel at the front of the room heading over you feel someone's arms wrap around your shoulders turning to look you see Angel smiling down at you

"I would seriously consider removing your hands before your face gets rearranged" a familiar voice says from behind you

Angel doesn't remove his hands as the owner of the voice walks in front of you

"You're going to pick a fight at a toy drive?" Angel says a hard edge to his voice

"Oh I'm not the one you have to be worried about, she's the one with the temper" Nestor says smirking at you

"This sweet Elf, not a chance" Angel replies

You roll your eyes and shrug Angels arms off you "looks can be deceiving" you reply winking at Nestor

Miguel interrupts the crowd thanking everyone for their hard work and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas as he finishes Angel turns to you "so do you want to get out of here and get a drink or something?"

"Oh She's getting out of here just not with you" Nestor tells Angel and wraps his arms around you pulling you close and kissing you softly

"You ready to go home?" He asks you

"Yeah I just need to get changed" you reply leaning in for another kiss

"Maybe you should keep the costume on" he says with a smirk

You both wave goodbye to Emily and Miguel and turn to leave

Nestor pats Angel on the shoulder "better luck next time" he says smiling 

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