When the light touches the dark with Nestor

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Her laugh fills the store with sunlight, she radiates pureness and light. She is innocent and too pure for this world.

I long to touch her, kiss her, be the one to make her laugh. But I'm the opposite of everything she is.

My soul is as dark as ink, my body covered in scars from all of my sins. I'm broken, damaged and not worthy of her light.

I watch as she walks towards me, a soft blush spreading across her cheeks making her freckles more noticeable.

"Excuse me" she says quietly smiling up at me.

Stepping to the side I say nothing, watching as she reaches to the shelf behind me, pulling something off to show Emily.

I watch as she walks away, her steps light and airy, her dark hair a halo around her.

I watch from the shadows where I belong, as she packs up Emily's order and escorts her to the door.

Our hands brush as we both reach for the door at the same time, and I watch as my darkness leaks onto her, tainting her light.

I watch as she bites her lip nervously as she looks up at me "sorry" she murmurs but doesn't remove her hand.

I make no attempt to respond as I pull the door open, letting Emily and the other guards exit following swiftly without looking back. 

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