Christmas with Nestor

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Request: Nestor meeting your WHOLE (cousins aunts uncles grandparents) family at Christmas

Words: 2159

Notes: Sorry its so long #sorrynotsorry

Y/M/N – Your Moms name

Y/L/N – Your last name

You were finishing up on the phone with your mom when you hear Nestor walk in the front the door, you had only been dating a few months but you were crazy in love with him.

"Alright Mom, I have to go I will talk to you later, love you" you say hanging up the phone

"Hey" you say as you stand up from the couch, wrapping your arms around Nestor's neck and pulling him in for a kiss

"Hey yourself" he replies wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you in close, lifting you up he sits down on the couch and places you in his lap

"How was your day?" You ask burying your face into his neck breathing his scent in deeply

"Busy" he replies "how was your day? How's your mom?"

"My day was okay, my mom is good, she was just calling to check I'm still coming home for Christmas"

"Oh, that will be nice" Nestor replies his tone indifferent, you felt a shift in his mood but you weren't sure what was wrong. Pulling back from his neck you gently cup his face and lean in for a kiss, his lips soft against yours making you feel dizzy.

Nestor grips your waist and pulls you in close kissing you deeply, his fingers sliding up under your shirt and tracing your spine. His fingers slowly slide back down your back and over your ass, he grips you tightly, standing up he carries you down to your bedroom, laying you across the bed.

The sunlight streaming through your window wakes you up, stretching out your mind drifts back to the night before, the memories of Nestor's lips on your body making you tingle all over. Rolling over you realise your bed is empty bed, sitting up you see that Nestor's watch and wallet are still on your bedside table. You slip out of bed, throwing on his button up shirt you head out of the bedroom looking for him. You can hear soft music coming from your kitchen, walking in you find Nestor standing in your kitchen, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants cooking pancakes, he is softly humming along to the music coming from your radio.

A smile spreads across your face as you stand there watching him, he turns around seeing you a smile spreads across his face "morning beautiful" he says walking over to you kissing you deeply

"Morning" you reply wrapping your arms around his neck

"Are you hungry?" he asks

"Starving" You reply kissing him again

he just chuckles pulling away "I made you pancakes and coffee, sit" he says pointing to your table. He's set the table and there is also a bunch of fresh sunflowers in a vase in the middle of the table.

Sitting down he brings over pancakes for both of you and pours you a cup of coffee

"So" you say, "I need to talk to you about something, you kind of distracted me last night" you say taking a sip of your coffee

Nestor looks at you concern written all over his face "what's wrong?" he replies

"Nothing is wrong" you reply putting your coffee cup down and taking a deep breath "I know we haven't been dating long and don't want you to freak out or feel obligated because you can say no, I won't be upset I swear"

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