Death with Gilly

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A/N: This wasn't a request, but I wanted to try something different. 

"He's beautiful" I whisper to the spirits next to me, watching the delicate balance of life and death play out before me.

I see his friends surrounding him, applying pressure to his wound, desperate not to lose him one of them calls out "Gilly, can you hear me?".

"Gilly" I repeat, letting his name roll across my tongue, savouring the sweetness.

I watch as death starts to win, his soul leaving his body, his spirit forming in front of me.

"Hello Gilly" I say softly reaching for his hand.

"Where am I?" he asks looking around.

"The inbetween, this is the place between life and death" I tell him.

"I'm dying?" he asks panicked his sadness radiating off him.

"Yes" I reply dropping his hand "do you not wish to die?" I ask.

"I.... I don't think so but if its my time to go" he says confused.

"Gilly, look at me" I say, his beautiful eyes coming to rest upon mine "I can stop you from dying"

Laughing, his eyes crinkle and his face transforms into pure sunshine "I don't think that's how dying works."

Taking his hand again "I'm death Gilly, I can do whatever I damn please" I tell him.

"Why would you stop me from dying?" he asks.

I have never offered to send anyone back before, millions have begged, bargained and pleaded but I have always done my job and lead them to the afterlife, I have never failed to deliver a soul. I reflect upon this before answering.

"I am an immortal purpose, not once in all of existence have I experienced human emotion, but when I saw you, the world stopped turning just for a second and the world is a better place with you in it" I tell him taking his hand.

Before he can respond I lean in kissing him deeply, breathing life back into him, letting my soul seal his back to his body.

All I feel is pain, like every nerve in my body is on fire, I gasp for air, struggling against the weight on me.

"Gilly calm down, you're okay" I hear the sweetest voice soothe me.

My eyes come into focus and I realise I am in a hospital room, I see the doctor has stepped back from me, and a nurse comes into focus.

She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, her jet black hair is pulled back into a tight bun, and her smooth skin shows a splattering of freckles, but her eyes. Her eyes are almost as black as her hair, with gold sprinkled through them, like a desert night sky lit up by the stars.

She takes my breath away, as I stare at her I realise she was in my dream.

"I dreamt of you" I mutter "you were death"

Laughing she pushes the oxygen tube back into my nose "I would be in the wrong line of work if I was death" she says winking at me. 

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